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I am just curious as to how many people get a flu shot who have ME CFS. I haven't had a cold in eight years and I think the last time I got a flu shot before I knew what I had and it made me crash. What is anybody's experience with Flu shots out. I believe my immune system is too shot to deal with a shot. When I tell my local non ME CFS GP that I don't want a FLU shot I get the eye roll. Basically half of my immune system (TH-1) is shut down and TH-2 part of my immune system (fights bacteria) is going a hundred miles an hour, maybe 99 mph.

What say you, flu shot or no flu shot????? Reactions...no reactions????
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Hi Xanoff,

I do not have ME CFS, but my son has "autism" and 3 auto-immune disorders. He has never been vaccinated. My husband, my son, and I will never get another vaccination, unless we are forced.

I know of many people who get sick (to the point of having to take a week off of work) or have bad reactions to the flu shot. I had two negative reactions when I had the flu shot over 10 years ago. Also, I know of several people who are contracting the flu several weeks or months after having the shot.

I think this study has been replicated, but I am not sure. It is something that you can show to your MD in your defense, perhaps? Just take the colostrum though, so that you are doing the treatment that is 3 times more effective than the flu shot in preventing the flu :).



"The efficacy of a 2-month treatment with oral colostrum in the prevention of flu episodes compared with antiinfluenza vaccination was evaluated. Groups included healthy subjects without prophylaxis and those receiving both vaccination and colostrum. After 3 months of follow-up, the number of days with flu was 3 times higher in the non-colostrum subjects. The colostrum group had 13 episodes versus 14 in the colostrum + vaccination group, 41 in the group without prophylaxis, and 57 in nontreated subjects. Part 2 of the study had a similar protocol with 65 very high-risk cardiovascular subjects, all of whom had prophylaxis. The incidence of complications and hospital admission was higher in the group that received only a vaccination compared with the colostrum groups. Colostrum, both in healthy subjects and high-risk cardiovascular patients, is at least 3 times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective."

The article is from 2007, so I think that falls within the "recent" category for scientific findings.

Hope this is helpful to you,

I got the flu shot today because Governor Cuomo issued a state of emergency. I have not gotten the flu shot in many many years.... I may have gotten it 1x in my entire life. I have always denied it - whereupon my primary care doc said that a lot of fibro and ME/CFS peeps get the pediatric version (which I may do next year). I got it today because I freaked out over the news. The last thing I want is to be hospitalized. That being said: I was a bit nervous before the shot. About 3 minutes after the shot I had a huge panic attack. I am not sure if that has something to do with some biochemical compounds that affected my brain...or just a garden variety panic attack. I took klonopin and was ok. Right now I feel mildy shaky and maybe mildly irritable. I hope this wears off in the next 24-28 hours. A significant part of my ME/CFS onset was caused by vaccinations (Hep B series and MMR too close together)..... so I am generally not comfortable with vaccines any more.

I had the tetanus shot last spring, and no side effects at all.
I refuse to have the flu vaccination or any other vaccination now. I think hep B vaccine along with a number of others for my trip to India either brought on my ME or added to it worsening. It's not that I have an issue with the idea of a vaccination but rather all the rubbish they put in them. And of course a lot of vaccine schedules give multiple vaccines or give them close together.
My advice is be VERY CAREFUL. The reason is I have had ME for 27 years, I started the flu shot annually probably 20 years ago. My health had been improving and I was 70% my former self... HOWEVER in 2015 I my ME worsened, I wasn't sure if it was from the flu shot though. Then 2016 I decided to have the lower dose they give to infants (basically half an adult dose, then 4 weeks later you are meant to have the second dose) I never went back for the second dose because the day after the first dose I became extremely weak, within a few days I was bed ridden 24 hours a day, only getting up to eat and use the toilet. I was like that for about 4 months and have remained ill but slightly better for 3 more months. I'm now about 20% of my former self. I spend most the time lying flat, aching and bored beyond belief.

So I decided to check the dates of when I worsened back in 2015 and found it was just a few days after the flu shot. Meaning the antigens in the vaccine have reawaken my immune system to attack something in me with a very similar antigen, known as 'cross reactivity'.

I believe my body has ramped up producing antibodies that are targeting a cellular byproduct i.e. either a muscle cell metabolite or a neurone metabolite, maybe a neurotransmitter or receptor that has the same antigen (or epitope) as the vaccine and possibly the first virus that triggered this god damn illness.

Anyway if you believe your ME/CFS is in the subgroup of an autoimmune disease, Please think twice before considering a flu shot.

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