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Is your gut bacteria producing enough vitamins - if not, which one are short?

I have added a new page today that shows the relative production of various vitamins and a few metabolites compared to a healthy population. It is linked to from the samples page.
Each sample will give different results
The regular suggestions pages may list these vitamins because it is known that they will impact other bacteria that we wish to change. There is incomplete knowledge.
This new page computes for known producers, the amount that is likely being produced and compare it to those who declared themselves healthy in the uploads.
My own in a remission period
At start of flare, GABA dropped a lot and B12 decreased
2 weeks later, GABA declined more
4 weeks later, GABA almost gone, Butyrate is increasing, Folate is climbing fastAnother person’s result
This person has some severe shifts


Mine is interesting too:

Though to consider: 10 year ago is suffered a serious PAD with a 60% walking-disabilty. Started Linus Pauling's therapy (comprehensive supplementation and lifestyle changes), 1 year before this test (1017) experienced remission from intermittent claudication and the disabilty was revoked. Only ME/CFS symptoms condinuing (mainly PEM).

2 years ago, short after this test, could get my only root-canal extracted (done against my consent just before diagnosis of PAD) and found a GP who would give me inexpensive Mg-sulfate IVs, with which finally my severe Mg-deficiency is improving (which up to 2.4 g/d of oral elemental Mg would not). And though still try to pace and sleep a lot, in the few instances I overdid, I haven't experienced a PEM as I would have before. The interesting thing of my GABA producing bacteria missing is, that I never suffered anxiety or depression, or felt any different when supplementing for some time.

I do have a question though. Why my gut explorer at ubiome says I've got 2 times the butyrate producing bacteria than selected samples, while your interface puts it at 106.8%? Vitamin K2 from K1 metabolizing bacteria is set at 3.3% compared to selected samples, while your's put it a 35.3%. How these differences came about?

Overall I'm not convinced of much predictive value particularly of my ubiome results. While still fighting multiple chronic conditions (PAD, COPD I, T2D, ME/CFS), contradictorily my wellness match score is 95.8%, diversity in the 89th percentile. Acording to their prediction I should be obese, while I've always been skinny. Dispite having eaten daily curd, sauerkraut and pickles, none of their prebiotic bacteria has been found in my gut.. But overall my ubiome result identified 44% of the species-level only. With 7.68% Spirochaetia, with nothing identified below the class levels, that could be a whole lot of nasty bugs. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...wu6k8sf9DQ1HCErTP3VBy-tWw/edit#gid=1806806580 )

Overall, so much thanks for that amazing online-tool you creaded. Excelent work! Just had a 1 year trial of labtestanalyzer.com, and in this first year they haven't been able to implement anything intelligent, like you do by wheighting evidence for and against interventions. And that as a paid-for service.

Kind regards.
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The difference is which bacteria you include (there is no definitive list), and whether you have information on relative production. For example:
  1. You have 1000 of X that produces, but only at 30% of the best one. On one system that may be 1000 units on the other system 300.
I have some items with relative rankings, and use 100% if I lack a suitable study.
Thanks for the response. Do you use a machine-learning program to sieve through that many studies of so different bacteria?

I assume such assessments of vitamin-producing bacteria, compared to healthy samples, could also come out completely off, due to microbiome sequencing only finding percentages of different species in that little drop of the swap. Which isn't a population count at all. And it would make all the difference if one person has 50, and another only 30 trillion bacteria in the gut in total.

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