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UK XMRV Communication

This is a new Blog...tried to create it as a new thread but it wouldn't let me!

I have received the following update from Dr Mikovits which she has asked me to pass on to you all:
UK study: We are scheduling London first. Those draws should take place as early as next week. So if there are individuals in London that emailed BEFORE MARCH 11 that have not been contacted by PSI by next Friday, please send me that info.. More than 225 people emailed almost half home bound. We are planning now how to most efficiently draw the homebound. No One will be excluded from the study. Everyone will get individual results and the testing takes Approximately 3 weeks.
Please can anyone in London only who had emailed Dr Mikovits before March 11th but has not heard from PSI by NEXT Friday please send their name and contact details to the following email address: contact@xmrvtesting.co.uk. The contact at this email address is kindly co-ordinating all names for the London testing part of the UK study. Your details will be forwarded to Dr Mikovits through this contact. This email address is for this use only and please do not use it for any other reason.

A very small group of us have approached Dr Mikovits and she has agreed to establishing a facility whereby sufferers can email questions for Dr Mikovits to a dedicated email address here in the UK, these will then be collated and forwarded once a week to Dr Mikovits on a Friday in the form of a weekly mailbag, she will then answer these questions and provide sufferers with a weekly update which will be sent back to the email address. The advocates will then post this onto a specified web page which sufferers can keep checking in on to see the latest information. The information posted will be all answers given by Dr Mikovits and also her weekly update. Any questions of a more private personal nature can be emailed to her as before but this facility will hopefully save Dr Mikovits having to answer many repeated queries individually. This facility will hopefully have the added benefit of providing us all with more information and a weekly update.

There will be three people running this facility in the UK, all are fellow sufferers so please try to respect that we may not always perform at 100% all of the time, actually we thought if there were three of us at least hopefully not all of us will be crashing at the same time!! Please try not to bombard us too much for the first couple of weeks until we have got it up and running in practice and running successfully. We are working on the website parentheses and email address at the minute and hope to have the facility up and running by early next week. All contact information and website details will be posted here when it is ready to go. Thank you.


Thanks so much for this. It is welcome news that things are moving. I think a central contact is a great idea and will hopefully help limit Judy Mikovits's email inbox too while meaning that at least we will get some information through.
Thanks Jas.
I am near Oxford and 1 hour only from London. I could manage that one by train.

Do you know where the other testing locations would be.

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