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Relocated: Delayed Response / The Size of Death / Activity Log

Differences Measured in Units

It's been a month since I moved back into unit number two, so here is a brief synopsis / evaluation / review (interesting or not)

Wait Times
The Fast and the Superfluous

On average, it takes an hour for someone to respond after one of us has pushed the call/help button. And on the weekends, the wait time is more commonly one and a half hours.

Back on the old unit, responses were typically made within 20 to 30 minutes.

The main reason why there's such an extensive wait time is that nobody wants to change my roommate's brief. His diaper. Whatever. It seems the aides are upset that he wants to be changed several times per day. Most of the residents (who wear diapers) are only changed a couple of times per day because they are non-communicative and do not know any better.

Additionally, my roommate drinks lots of water, which only makes matters worse.

In addition to that, several CNAs believe my roommate (could rather easily) use a urinal, if he really wanted to do so. And while I believe that may possibly be true, he's got severe neuropathy and has trouble manipulating objects.

Luckily, I do not need "help" often. And typically, I can afford to wait an hour or two before help arrives.

Icy Heat

If the air conditioning is turned on, the temperature in our room drops into the low 60s, or even below that - and the A/C never stops pumping unless … someone manually shuts it off by circumnavigating the locking mechanism.

So basically, we don't have any air conditioning in this room. Instead the temperature is more typically hovering around the 80°mark - which isn't awful, I suppose. But "warm and stuffy" only enhances the smell emanating from my roommate's unchanged urine-saturated brief.

And speaking of smells…


I requested the toilet be fixed a couple of weeks ago. The reason? In order for the toilet bowl to empty completely, the toilet handle must be held down for up to 10 seconds. Otherwise, the content of the emptied urinal just sits in the toilet bowl all day long. And due to these forever remaining remnants, our room typically smells like piss.

With clever maneuvering and deft precision, I am able to go into the bathroom and flush the toilet myself by extending my left foot outward and then using my toes to depress the handle. So yes, I'm happy I can do things like that, but much rather spend my time doing other things besides flushing toilets.

Anyway, maintenance explained to me that several of the toilets in this unit do not flush properly, and there's nothing they can do about it.

I know I should be more grateful, not complaining about my room smelling poorly, but it seems I am in a complaining mood here and now.


On the plus side of the ledger, the nurse's over here seem to be more empathetic. Several times (out of the blue) they've asked me how I was doing, or how I was feeling. And also, the lot of nurses (including those with the registry) more often and more consistently read the instructions pertaining to my care. So that's a plus, and in general, a good sign.


I expected it to be a lot noisier over here in Unit 2. And for the most part, it is, except for my end of the unit. Down here it's relatively quiet. And the only person who really cries out is my roommate - after he's been waiting over two hours to have his saturated brief changed.

Beyond the constant snoring, my roommate is quite pleasant (age: mid-50's). Although, his personality is quite dry, empty, and mechanical. He used to be a teacher, but now he speaks very simply. I'm thinking that he may have had a stroke. What I do know with some certainty is that he deteriorated a great deal after enduring covid-19. And he believes his current condition is explicitly caused by covid-19. But it's rather difficult to make determinations based on his current linguistic capabilities and grasp upon reality.

Anyways, I truly believe he has sleep apnea. And to make matters worse, he sleeps on his back with his legs raised higher than his head. Yes, his body is oddly situated.

In any case, he stops breathing throughout the night, and then gasps awake rather loudly with great frequency - which reminds me of my former roommate, the one who ended up getting married here. The one who accused me of stealing his money and his possessions.

He Dead

As is often the case here, that former roommate died a few days ago. I know this because his widow is going around telling everybody the story of his death. And she's also telling everybody how he was such a wonderful human being. And perhaps at some point in time, and perhaps to her (specifically), he was.

So yeah, that happened, too.


Because the residents smoke out on the patio throughout the day and into the evening, the cigarette smoke naturally wafts into our room when the window is open. But I deal with it because I rather enjoy "fresh" air and listening to chirping birds, as opposed to mechanical beeping and buzzing. It'll be too hot, too soon, anyway - and the window will be permanently shut for the summer. But for now, the hours of darkness are somewhat cool and pleasant.


My portion of the room is substantially smaller, in comparison to each of my previous rooms. Basically, the space is not evenly divided. Oh well - I plan on leaving soon, right?

Other Things —-

Blood Under Pressure

Because I am on codeine now and again, and because it's getting warmer inside and out, I've been suffering from super low blood pressure. On the bright side of the ledger, I am currently ingesting sea salt - which is sorta like ingesting food!

UPDATE: the salt assault is working!

The Color of Shade

Kitchen Girl bought me a colorful rainbow umbrella that attaches to my power chair - something I can utilize once the reigning rays of sunshine become too intense here.


Games with Frontiers

We played poker last week and I kicked butt. Yes, I actually won! And it was a lot more exciting and far more thrilling than any and all Bingo efforts combined.

We also played beach volleyball, which turned out to be rather exhausting. But also, it was quite enjoyable doing that little bit of physical activity.

Recent Pics







Be well,


I now seem to be transferring your updates to my husband, who can't write any updates.

Altho we did give him a pen the other day, and he wrote the word NASH with his left hand (he is right handed normally) and we agreed nobody knows what NASH was supposed to mean.

Another person at his facility, seems to be his friend. a nice lady in her chair, came by and Fist bumped. She wears a card around her heck: "My Name Is Sally, I had a stroke in 1992, and sometimes say the wrong words." My husband did not have that kind of stroke, fortunately.

My daughter reported the cafeteria was shut down yesterday, and further inquiry lead to: NOROVIRUS outbreak a nurse said, very quietly.

oh? Crap. They don't put a sign on the main door: warning, NEW GERM.

My husband is now a diaper person. And this is presumably due to details like: there simply are not enough staff to take him to the bathroom.

Instead, they trained him up in DO NOT STAND UP. (unless nurses says its ok).

On our several rare trips to take him to doctor appointments, we can't seem to get to the part called: do you need to change the diaper?

At the last eye doctor appointment, we had a major leaking event, and could do nothing about it. He was sopping wet.

Also, my husband was again witnessed consuming a random soda.



re: SALT.......whats the salt doing?

thinking about nurses, no wonder they do not often ask the question: How are you doing?

and I still think there is a potential market for @Howard photography- if nothing else, the weather people are really into shots of unique cloud formations, possibly over Phoenix.
Good (?) to hear from you, Howard. Sorry about the roomie. You're right, even in an average hospital it takes about 1 hr. at least to have a call button answered. That's if you're room is on top of the call station.

Why doesn't he have a catheter? That would help considerably and it's what they usually do.

The flusher on the toilet sounds like a plumbing problem (or toilet fixture itself....yours and plenty of others) that is affecting the entire floor. It's often the same with light fixtures. Yes, there's a problem, maintenance is called and even after the call, there is still a problem. Why? Because it's somewhere in the improper wiring of the entire wing.

Could you talk to the family of your roommate? Perhaps they could get him to cut down on his water intake. Diapers are rather useless because they leak, the bed gets saturated and then it takes at least two attendants to change things.

In the meantime, you have a colorful umbrella for your chair and your outings in the uh, warmer weather.

Yuck, if there's one thing I really can't stand, it's cigarette smoke. Yes, I was one of those pesky kids who ran around emptying ashtrays non-stop (allergies at a time when they didn't exist). So combined with the urine smell, it must be a real botanical garden around there. Do you have allergies and the man next to you? If you don't there is a spray especially for cigarette smoke...and yes, it does work.

Anything new on the museum front? Maybe you can squeeze in at least one more trip to the music museum.

How's your mother doing? Have you been out to see her? I hope things aren't going too fast downhill for her. She must be delighted to see you.

Have things improved on the bus route? Or do you simply accept that thing's are perfect, and why would this be any different? (Which happens when you're 76.)

Take good care, Howard, and thanks for the pics. Do you remember 'Candid Camera?' Yours, Lenora
Another person at his facility, seems to be his friend. a nice lady in her chair, came by and Fist bumped.

That sounds like a nice thing.

About a month ago the new administrative director came up to me and tried to fist bump me. At least, I think that was his objective. So that's the first time anyone's ever tried to offer me a fist bump. And I didn't exactly know what to do with this fist bumping option ... at first.

I apologize if my responses seem slightly discombobulated. I am currently perched upon the upper ramp to the pedestrian crosswalk at 9:00 p.m., Monday evening. It's cooled off to about 87°, so it's rather pleasant right now - and I really really don't want to go back inside there right now.... But I need to start pulling myself together and head back indoors soon.

∆∆∆∆ More comments / responses in the making!!!


Oh, here's right now:

bout a month ago the new administrative director came up to me and tried to fist bump me. At least, I think that was his objective. So that's the first time anyone's ever tried to offer me a fist bump. And I didn't exactly know what to do with this fist bumping option ... at first.
I apologize if my responses seem slightly discombobulated. I am currently perched upon the upper ramp to the pedestrian crosswalk at 9:00 p.m., Monday evening. It's cooled off to about 87°, so it's rather pleasant right now - and I really really don't want to go back inside there right now.... But I need to start pulling myself together and head back indoors soon.
What is your curfew? Would they ever consider letting you stay outdoors throughout the night...........if it's in patio area? You might have a good nights sleep without all the bells and whistles........and other noises.
Doubt that Howard would be outside for the night, Tammy, but it's a great thought.

I do seem to recall that when the smokers were around Howard spent time later into the night. I hope you're doing OK, Tammy. Yours, Lenora

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