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Murdered by Heat

Thought I would share something silly with y'all -

Background: it's 418am and it's really warm in here! So I just sent this off to management via email. And no, this is not a crisis situation. But I thought you might find this communique amusing on some level.

Good morning,

Once again I awoke sweating my butt off - between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning. This is a nightly occurrence these past 2 weeks. And yes, I'm soaking wet and sweating because it's 81.3° in here right now!

*Please check out the attached corresponding graph.

Last week I purchased a digitally accurate thermometer (up to 0.5° accuracy) in order to document how hot it gets in here overnight.

Anyway, I just had my aide open my window. My immediate goal is to cool myself off in the refreshingly pleasant 43° air.

You may be wondering why I do not keep my window open all night long, right? Well, I've done that on consecutive nights, and at the time when I'm falling asleep, it's a pleasant 72 to 74° in my room. If I open the window, it gets down into the 60s. Which is somewhat chilly, and then eventually uncomfortable.

One solution would be for me to wake up every 2 hours to check the room temperature and have my window adjusted accordingly. Or have one of the CNAs do it for me at precise intervals. But that would seem to be a laboriously unnecessary task for all involved.

In any case, I've been sleeping no more than 3 or 4 hours per night as a result of waking up uncomfortably warm. Please note, I do understand the environment in which I live (a nursing home). Most people are elderly and apparently, unreasonably cold most of the time. Bad circulation. Illness. Whatever the cause may be. Or I don't know, perhaps there's a blanket shortage in Arizona. Or something along those lines.

And yes, based upon my typically incessant summer nakedness, I am generally rather warm in the first place - high metabolism / my illness, whatever the reason may be. But even during the height of the summer season my room room temperature registered a pleasant 70° to 75° without fail. So why during the winter season must it be 80° in these rooms. Or 77°. What's changed exactly?

Anyway, that's more or less a question of logic. Or a perception fallacy.

I apologize for the length of this missive, but now that I'm wide awake I thought I'd throw some words together in attempts to sound clever, or something.

I am indeed imminently frustrated, but I also grateful that I have some place to live with the roof over my head. So don't take this the wrong way. But if you have any solutions, or solution ideas, please check in with me. I'm not trying to be difficult here. However, I cannot take off any additional layers of clothing when I'm already naked....

I appreciate you hearing me out - whoever you are. I'm assuming you will share this with the people who may possibly have a resolution in mind.

Howard C_______ N______ III
Room 119

*Please note that I do keep the door shut at night, in order to keep it quiet in my room. My neighbor (in room 121) wakes up throughout the night, either moaning or crying out for help, so leaving the door open is not really an option.



I think that is well written Howard. Got your point across with some humor and respect. You didn't come across as snarky or demanding. Let us know if they come up with any solutions. I can't think of any right now that wouldn't require the help of an aid. Let us know what or if they come up with a bright idea. I sure hope so.
Let us know if they come up with any solutions.

So far so good. It's 417 a.m. and warmest it's been is 75 degrees. I've also had the window open about 1 inch, so perhaps I found the perfect ratio. Or they took action yesterday, when I wasn't looking. Either way, I'm hoping this helps get me back in my chair! :)
Thermo regulation is so hard. I no longer can figure it out.

Because my overheated sweating boiling over husband is turning ON the furnace while I curse it.

And when it was definately a pleasant 73 degrees inside here about two months ago, I was close to convulsions I was so cold. Makes perfect sense.

I suppose adult care facility does not read research about folks sleep better with a bit cool air about (as opposed to baking like potatoes)

They probably actually have technical difficulties managing the temperatures in these buildings.

The fact your window opens is a kind of miracle you need to be extremely grateful for.
So far so good. It's 417 a.m. and warmest it's been is 75 degrees. I've also had the window open about 1 inch, so perhaps I found the perfect ratio. Or they took action yesterday, when I wasn't looking. Either way, I'm hoping this helps get me back in my chair! :)
Was the improvement just for that one night or has it continued?
I woke up at 2:07 a.m. this morning soaking wet and sweating. I assumed it was just me being sick with dumb stupid covid-19. But what happens, is the woman next door wants the temperature to be at least 80°. So whenever she asks, the staff turns the temperature up to 80°. And when it's 80° in her room, the temperature goes up into the low 80's (or sometimes higher) in my room. Unless I have the window open the proper amount.

It was nice and cool and rainy last night so I did have the window open partially, but not open far enough. The CNA came in my room and opened it further at that point in time, and it's been fairly comfortable since.

And since there are four rooms on one thermostat, I really have no choice. I get out-voted every single time. So, I need to be sweaty and hot and partially dehydrated, apparently! At least during the summertime they keep it nice and cool in here. Between 70 and (at most) 75°.

Really, I shouldn't complain. It's fortunate that I'm being taken care of. And really, I should just leave my damn window open all the time and keep several blankets at the ready! And at present, I do not have a roommate, so I should just be plain grateful.

Thanks for asking :)
And when it's 80° in her room, the temperature goes up into the low 80's (or sometimes higher) in my room.

My husband.

Always hot.

Now is often cold.

His new thing is to sit around in this short sleeved nylon shirt (like for hiking on a hot day) and he turns on the thermostat to, oh 90 degrees and then he often falls asleep.

The heat bothers my eyes tremendously, thats my problem with the furnace and I suggest he put on a t shirt he WILL NOT.

There is a thing about certain people who REFUSE to do simple things that would solve so many complex issues.

The lady who needs 80 degrees needs a descent blanket. Not a thermostat adjustment.

Meanwhile: nice you have the room to yourself for the time being!

I actually had two hours this morning of Just Me. So unusual.

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