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21 Days / I Done Did the Procedures / Monday's

I have several long-form written efforts I planned on posting, but I can't seem to get the wording right or the motivation in doing so, situated properly. In lieu of that failure, I will simply offer a few updates regarding current events. Sounds like a blast and a half, huh?

The Burn

Yesterday was the final day of record-breaking heat. We've broken temperature records now for an unprecedented 21 consecutive days. Yes, you read that correctly. Each and every day has been record setting. In the past decade, it's not been unusual to have two or three consecutive days where record temperatures are broken, but what's happened in these past three weeks has been absolutely ridiculous.

Right now, we're forecast to drop into the 90s for a couple of days, and then the 80s, and then possibly into the 70s this weekend. Hip hip f**** hooray!

What this means for me is that I should be able to get outdoors and roam around the neighborhood in my power wheelchair soon. I've been waiting over four months to do so. Arghhh!


I finally had all of my teeth removed six weeks ago. The end result is that I've not been able to speak properly since having undergone the surgical procedure (which hinders my ability to properly utilize voice-to-text). I do have a nearly completed blog entry that I may post regarding this undertaking.

Two weeks ago I finally had my malfunctioning feeding tube replaced. I had to wait several months before doing so, due to a lingering stoma related infection. Many antibiotics were taken, and none seemed to work. But just prior to the scheduled procedure, the wound closed, and I was able to convince my medical people to complete the procedure.

Within that same time frame, I was hospitalized once for the infection, and then also, for a feeding tube blockage. Neither instances were a big deal.

I've also detailed those efforts and events, but .... the words don't pop much at all.

History and Cause

I happened upon a research paper that helped me assemble the missing pieces in regards to the totality of my illness. I already had most of the puzzle pieces properly arranged, but now I think I know exactly what happened to me, as well as why it happened to me.

Again, I have several thousand words written, explaining how all of this transpired. I will post this effort eventually, because there's a chance these details (however unlikely) may help somebody else.

Mondays with Howard

Each Monday I have a rotating cast of substitute caregivers. It turns out that many (if not most) of my caregivers have children who happen to be suffering from gastrointestinal disorders and / or other related undiagnosed illnesses.

Of course, what's not surprising, is that the doctoring community has not been able to help any of these people. And in the majority of cases, their children have at some point been given anti-anxiety related medications, because, as everybody knows, each of these children is pretending to be ill… or they are lazy and unmotivated and want to stay home all day being physically ill.... missing the entirety of their lives for no reason whatsoever.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

I'm not sure why these people have been placed in my life. It's either that there exists, in totality, large numbers of children currently afflicted, or it's a matter of coincidence.

So most of my Monday's are spent explaining the inner workings of the GI system, and then also offering suggestions (clearly mentioning that they need to consult with their physician before taking action).

It's amazing to me how common these digestive illnesses are within a small sampling.

I would prefer to delve into other subject matter during these visits, and more often than not, we do, but it seems I have a responsibility to inform and educate whenever the opportunity presents itself.

As an example, the teenage daughter of yesterday's caregiver is experiencing symptoms that parallel my own experience, while also being similarly discarded by the medical community (digestive issues, P.E.M, skin and scalp psoriasis, muscle weakness, joint inflammation, etc.).

So yeah, those are the kinds of conversations I've been getting myself into of late.

I hope that each of you is hanging in there to the best of your ability, finding moments of joy during and throughout your days. Clearly, everybody suffers one way or another. Unfortunately, that's how life works ... or doesn't work.

Take care,

old weird pic I took many moons ago

what do you think it is????

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Grateful for the update!

This is quintessentially Howard:

"Within that same time frame, I was hospitalized once for the infection, and then also, for a feeding tube blockage. Neither instances were a big deal."

"No big deal," he says. 😆

I hesitate to ask this, but have you noticed any improvements from the procedures and antibiotics or are you in a massive state of PEM?
have you noticed any improvements from the procedures and antibiotics or are you in a massive state of PEM?

I had a particularly bad reaction to Levaquin, having experienced some form of mania after taking one quarter of the typical dosage (lasting only 24 hours). Otherwise, the Doxycycline, the Amoxicillin, the Gentamicin (topical) and Cephalexin didn't seem to do much of anything, positive nor negative.

I took those other antibiotic medications for the prescribed 10 days each in succession.

I haven't taken anything now in about 2 weeks. Of late, I've been more exhausted and sleepy, but I believe that's a result of not having enough sunlight exposure. At least I'm hoping that's why I'm feeling tired.

I hope you're reasonably okay :)
«I finally had all of my teeth removed six weeks ago. The end result is that I've not been able to speak properly since having undergone the surgical procedure (which hinders my ability to properly utilize voice-to-text). I do have a nearly completed blog entry that I may post regarding this undertaking» (it seems I can’t quote today, so this will have to do)

Yes, please post

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