Given that some on this forum are obviously scientists themselves, they may find this interesting; others may like it as well. EEG and LORETA measures of brain connectivity correlate highly with the Catani and De Shotten DTI atlas of the human brain. DTI is structural MRI and reveals the actual fiber systems. Thus, EEG functional connectivity (functional networks) also includes structural connectivity which is the infrastructure upon which information flows . EEG is capable of measuring the structural reality of a street connecting the parking lot to the sports stadium, the reality that the connection is functional and not blocked and an estimate of the number and direction of people going from the parking lot to the stadium or from the stadium to the parking lot.
Currently, only QEEG is capable of providing reliable estimates of all three levels of connectivity. fMRI and DTI and MRI are not currently capable of doing this and given the nature of electricity these other neuroimaging methods are unlikely to provide all three measures in the future. This is why the Zinns used qEEG/LORETA.