Resting, I have to start with the Gluten Free thing. I THOUGHT it would be awful and hard. It is SO easy. The only problem is finding GOOD BREAD, crackers, and pancake mix. I finally did.The other things like pasta are not hard. I can give you brands if you ever want them. I am shocked how easy it is. Now, I am NOT a Celiac patient. Some people get SO ill even in the same room with wheat flour etc. I have no digestion problems with it so if there is a bit in something from a plant that has wheat, it is ok for me. People that have to be SO careful have a harder time. Stores and online stores have a great variety.
Oh, there is a SIMPLE recipe for Peanut Butter cookies I found on Just p.butter, egg, sugar and my hubby put a tsp of baking soda in. Fast and YUMMY. Delish.
Thank you for the compliment. Tenacity is the correct word, ha. I am working hare to heal! When I make my mind up, I get things done! ha. OK, TYPE A, typical CFS person. The POTS is what kicked my butt...
Yes, the Carnetine is expensive. I take Carniclear. Worth the price. Great for my brain fog. I have no fog anymore, great for mental clarity.
The Alpha Lipoic (I take Lipoic Acid Supreme) doesn't calm me. It heals my neuropathy with the POTS. Neuropathy is the main thing with POTS. Nerves need help to heal. The Autonomic Nervous system stops working correctly in POTS. It is one of the best antioxidents which is great for my nerves and POTS, works in the mitochondria for energy and many other things. My feet had neuropathy problems beginning and they are 99% gone! I was so scared at first. Part was the lack of circulation since I had to sit all day. I began to move them more and RUB them and my doc started me on Lipoic Acid Supreme. My doc and I think that is doing me a LOT of good!
5HTP was good for calming, Seratonin help. How much are you taking? I take SAMe too. I have REALLY seen a huge difference with these. Our Seratonin and other neurotransmitters really take a hit with illness and stress.
My docs tell me how much and what brands to take. I do give them ideas and we work together. Sure don't want too much or too little of anything.