I want to do nasal (this thread) and a general CS (vitamin/ salt) application. - I have reached three days of build up. 4g, 6g and 7g a day. (For a more carefull CFS build-up - I would probably take 3- 4 days longer. 4g, 4g; 6g, 6g and than cauciously trie the 7g also). My plans now are…
I generaly keep: my Multi, stayed with the Methylation. B12 subcutan Injections for 2x 1500 a week. I choose 4x 20 small Chlorellas as Binder. (Later I will be back to Cholestyramin – maybe the 4.th week. I am with mold). Try to continually have much Vege food. I do eat meat. Daily drink 1.5 Liters. Half of wich is the CS (=C vitamin & Salt) prepared.
For my daily CS Therapie I now plan the 9g each. Doing that for 4- 6 weeks (a Pause of 10- 14 days). And continue all for 3 Cycles. (A 2 weeks pause will be to fill up any basique body needs, that can develop with this intensive therapie.) Rinsing mouth and throat 4- 5 times I plan specifically for this first 5 days. In order to keep the lokal oral biofilm down and not swollow much of the unwanted detritus. (Spit much of this out and avoid sources of herxheimers). My regular - just the Salt on the tonge, plus extra natural Vit C (with Physalis fruit).