Can you please tell me more about doing Yoga in a CFS-friendly way and the right session length and poses to avoid PEM?
I tried Yoga in the past but it tired me excessively, expecially poses like the downward dog, tree or cartwheel.
I have POTS, OI and NMH but would love to find a way to tolerate Yoga done a certain way while getting all the benefits it provides.
Hi river,
I wrote a review of yoga for ME audio tapes, CDs and DVDs and books designed for those with ME/CFS which can be found on the information page of . There are also some photos which show you the sort of things done in the classes.
It is difficult to generalise for an individual as everyone is different. The golden rule is to do only half of what you think you can do and never try and push yourself. If you don't know how much you can do, start with a few minutes if you are able and build up according to your health. A normal yoga class is far too strenuous for most people with ME/CFS - the postures need to be adapted. Standing postures can be adapted for lying down e.g. the tree and mountain pose can be done lying down. Quite a few standing breathing exercises, can be adapated for lying down too. In Iyengar yoga for ME/CFS classes we do the downward dog bending over a chair for support - some piccies will be put up sometime.
Gentle poses like the pose of child are very good for ME - stretches the spine, massages organs and good for hypothalamus/pituitary and gets blood to the brain. The bridge, which is more strenuous, but good if you can do it - gets blood to brain. Lying down with feet up against the wall or feet on a chair is a good substitute for the shoulder stand - helps lymph drainage and more blood to brain.
If you are not up to postures, then yoga nidra (yogic sleep) is a favourite amongst members. There is also a review of yoga nidra and relaxation CDs on the information page of . Many of the CDs, tapes and DVDs mentioned in the 2 reviews were put in our local ME/CFS group library and yoga nidra came out tops.