XMRV Testing and clinical research study

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

I spent the last three days researching the XMRV information. I called the WPI Friday and actually got a call back today asking to donate blood for a clinical research study. The down side of this is you do not receive the results! I will be doing this as it seems to be important. I also called the VIP lab and got on the waiting list for a test kit(4 weeks) it was $650.00 for both tests for XMRV.

If you are interested in the clinical research study you must send an E-mail with your full name and address and a sentence stating you would like to participate.

E-mail the above to debbietc991@gmail.com

Also Debbie said there will be a questionnaire posted on the WPI site later this week that is very important to the current research.
