It's very hard to know what is the right thing to do when you can't know what the true situation is because nobody is telling you
I still appreciate what's going on, that there is the BWG, Lipkin, Alter/Lo, Singh and others, we are in a way better position than before.
But i really don't like all the secrecy, contradicting statements by different parties (XMRV, no XMRV, contamination, no contamination, etc.) and how long it all takes.
Is this really necessary??
I realize it's probably all very difficult, technically, but still, there are probably many millions that depend on this all over the world and it's potentially a serious pandemic (correct term?), if you think of all the conditions XMRV and related viruses could be causing, while they might still be spreading uncontrolled.
So i think in this case it's not right to stick to the normal protocols, also for the scientists not directly working for the government. I mean the fact that they don't shed any info whatsoever about their results before publishing. Especially when it's at the moment hard to publish, at least if you are the WPI.
So even if they can't tell us all right now, i think we should get more and more reliable info about
when we can expect information and i would also appreciate it very, very much, if the investigators could release some sort of progress reports, interim results of their studies.
I mean what do we know right now about the ongoing Alter/Lo or Singh studies? More or less nothing. And i think they are very important for us, they could be the game-changers we are waiting for. The humans that are suffering and waiting are more important than the copies a journal can sell or the reputation or income of a scientist.
This is about public health on a global scale, not single persons.
I think it's almost impossible for a single person like me, for example, to change this, but where are all the patient orgs? They should be pushing for this. The CAA is in a special position, since they have a person in the BWG, so i understand they can't do everything, they can't cause too much "trouble" or they risk not being part of such groups in the future or losing contacts they have, that are very valuable for all of us. But they certainly can do something and there are other organizations as well, aren't there?
I really think in this special case of XMRV, things should be going a bit differently than normal, there should be another way of how things are done.
But then on the other hand you don't want to stress those scientists that might not be used to politics and publicity so much that they stop working on this or are too distracted.

What i would want to see is the BWG, Lipkin, Alter/Lo and Singh finishing and publishing their work as quicky as possible, but of course not faster than what they need to to it well.
And then, if XMRV really is relevant in CFS and maybe other illnesses, i would like to see a really big, coordinated effort to determine it's role and find treatments. I don't mean some scientists here and there working on it, i mean
all the resources bundled. Like the Manhattan Project or something similar. I mean it's about some millions of people, we suffer, we generate costs, we can't contribute, we might be spreading this and we have been waiting for too f* long.
And we have done nothing wrong. We did not go and pick this up, we just got it one day, without any idea something like this even exists, at least in my case.