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Here's the latest from the XMRV Buzz - some news on the Singh study - guess what? - it's taking longer than expected 

but it is a big, overlapping study - so maybe that is no surprise.
Some Light on the Singh Study - the Singh study is big (@100 patients) and comprehensive - besides doing culturing Dr. Singh she is using two kinds of PCR and for viral RNA and presumably an antibody test. The blood storage, etc. protocols are the same in both the healthy controls and patientsAND they are all from one area (no geographic sequence variation). Plus Dr. Singh has been studying XMRV and MLV's for years. In short it's quite an important study.
Slippery Beast - I asked Dr. Light, one of the principals in the study, if there was anything he could say about it? He reported they just had a meeting - they think the are, as he put, 'finally getting a handle on it' but are still not sure - and they didn't want to build up hopes one way or the other. He hopes they'll have something definitive to report soon.
XMRV, no surprise, given the ups and downs of the past year, has been a bit slippery. The Singh study began early this year - it's probably somewhere in its 7 or 8th month now. One grace of Dr. Singh's study (and a complicating factor) is its complexity; she will want the results of the different tests (2 PCR's, RNA, culture (and antibody?)) to agree - not an easy task with a relatively new virus. Of course, when the different tests do all agree then you have a really solid result.
XMRV is certainly in good hands; Dr. Singh is pushing the field forward in several ways. She has developed an antibody test and her own XMRV clone and, of course, is a key player in the XMRV prostate cancer hunt.