A couple of thoughts.
First, a web page or blog might be best. Sum up the request concisely so we can spread links around Facebook and Twitter. That's how we spread the word and get the ball rolling. Similar to previous campaigns, a simple to the point message with a direct request of people joining. Daily emails seem appropriate. A tag phrase would be good. Something about keeping the promise on progress report, can't tap the usual font of pointed phrases today....
A volunteer to be copied on the emails so we can keep count is Ideal.
Be careful with words about advocacy as the CAA is part of the WG and therefore also has bought into some level of secrecy as a part if the proposition. Not a criticism, just what I think the situation is. Now they should be telling the BWC loudly that the patient community deserves the promised information, but that's another conversation, maybe they are.
Part of the message is that we tried knocking and ringing the bell and no one answered. So now we're a banging on that drum all day.
I can't work and I can't play so I'm gonna bang on the drum all day. With apologies to Todd Rungran.
Everybody, work any contacts you have, including docs if you can do it politely.
Done blabbering.
A couple of thoughts.
First, a web page or blog might be best. Sum up the request concisely so we can spread links around Facebook and Twitter. That's how we spread the word and get the ball rolling. Similar to previous campaigns, a simple to the point message with a direct request of people joining. Daily emails seem appropriate. A tag phrase would be good. Something about keeping the promise on progress report, can't tap the usual font of pointed phrases today....
A volunteer to be copied on the emails so we can keep count is Ideal.
Be careful with words about advocacy as the CAA is part of the WG and therefore also has bought into some level of secrecy as a part if the proposition. Not a criticism, just what I think the situation is. Now they should be telling the BWC loudly that the patient community deserves the promised information, but that's another conversation, maybe they are.
Part of the message is that we tried knocking and ringing the bell and no one answered. So now we're a banging on that drum all day.
I can't work and I can't play so I'm gonna bang on the drum all day. With apologies to Todd Rungran.
Everybody, work any contacts you have, including docs if you can do it politely.
Done blabbering.