Hey Cort
Awesome! That was fast!
I'm inclined towards a tiny dust up at the start of next week. The reason I say start of next week is cause the week after is Thanksgiving here in the states and a lot of folks will be off with family and friends.
I'll try to hit all the threads where folks have put e-mail address together and try to get a good list together, and Cort I would welcome the ones you have to make that list complete. I'll try to put together a short e-mail that folks can copy and paste and then just press send so that it's not too much for folks who are in a flare right now. Those who want to do up their own that would be awesome! If we can fill up the mail boxes and cause an inconvenience then we will have done our job.
I think, and please jump in anybody if you have other thoughts here, that we ask them for a copy of the protocols that they have come up with to be mailed to the various patient advocacy groups including Co-cure, CAA, ICF, and if someone knows the names of the organization for Britian, Germany, Malta and other points of the globe if you wouldn't mind sending those to me I'll include them in the letter (so please send a e-mail address for any organizations).
If it truly is option three that they are no closer to the answer then absolutely, eric_s a timel ine is in order. If the protocols have been worked out then we respectfully request that those be made available to our advocacy organization for validation to the patient community.
The Phase II portion is only about the correct protocols in order to get everyone on the same page. A lot of groups will try to develop "novel" assays in the beginning because of patent rights as well as bragging rights. But once there is a link established with illness then letting folks play looks bad. So there is no "public safety" or panic problems with this stage of the work. There is nothing that would show causality in the protocols. What we get is the ablity to check and see who was right and where the problem lies. This gives us the ability to check future studys for accuracy as well.
Nowwwww Phase III when they start testing blood supply, yeah, I don't expect to ever see those results. (grins) More likely when they give "the big" press conference all we'll ever hear is that any blood product that tested positive has been removed. (big grins)
But all we are asking for is Phase II protocols be released to our patient advocacy groups and that those groups make them available to the patient population. We can compare them ourselves to the work that has been done already.