XMRV Article in Chicago Tribune and other papers


Senior Member
heya mark i looked up stanley monteith per yr reference.....didnt finish reading the page I googled but I bristled when he started saying planned parenthood tied to nazis.........I am a huge advocate of PP as a feminist and as a woman who has not wanted to have children my whole life thank the lord I have been in a country where I could have access to education and options what to do about that. I like some of his take but wonder about that leap he takes and makes me question his overall critical thinking ability. Its not like there are only 2 options, either unchecked reproduction among the masses or govmt genocide.......some birth control is a good thing.......as a social worker i see the sad results of unequipped young people having babies and then not taking good care of them......that causes a lot of medical and psych problems and economic problems as well quite often; a lot of suffering. Anyway, I will check out more of his writing when I have time but that part made me think perhaps he is a flake, also thought there was some crazy christian stuff perhaps? anyhoo, curious on yr take. ciao
heya mark i looked up stanley monteith per yr reference.....didnt finish reading the page I googled but I bristled when he started saying planned parenthood tied to nazis.........I am a huge advocate of PP as a feminist and as a woman who has not wanted to have children my whole life thank the lord I have been in a country where I could have access to education and options what to do about that. I like some of his take but wonder about that leap he takes and makes me question his overall critical thinking ability. Its not like there are only 2 options, either unchecked reproduction among the masses or govmt genocide.......some birth control is a good thing.......as a social worker i see the sad results of unequipped young people having babies and then not taking good care of them......that causes a lot of medical and psych problems and economic problems as well quite often; a lot of suffering. Anyway, I will check out more of his writing when I have time but that part made me think perhaps he is a flake, also thought there was some crazy christian stuff perhaps? anyhoo, curious on yr take. ciao

To be honest I briefly glanced over it and it seems it's a bit extreme looking at it again.

Xrayspex, I wish I could prove that big business or government are involved in serious crimes against the ME/CFS community. I can't, but have seen enough to be pretty certain it's the corrrect conclusion.

Government's have sat by while a virus has spread thru the world. I hope we can agree on that? How can Governments justify that????? Ruining millions of people's lives because of health insurers profits and social security payouts? I doubt that insurers profits is enough reason to kill or mame millions. The insurers are powerful, but not that powerful to keep sch a scam going. Ceos change to often and it is over their heads. I mean money is important, but not at the risk of letting a worldwide pandemic happen under their watch. Think of the liability.....!!

The liability is stunning. Especially when you think about all the effort governments have gone to avoid researching a viral cause more. Look at how advanced DR Lo and Harvey Alter of the FDA were able to isolate multiple MULV's when trying to replicaate the WPI REsults? Stunning. The FDA clearly has far more knowledge than the WPI of Retroviruses and evidenced by their skill and speed in finding all those MULV's in patients blood. They are way ahead, and have been for years, just never came foward becuase someone was holding these guys back, or they finally coudln;t live with themselves because of what they have been doing. Who was holding them BACK?
Think of the liability the Government has. They have known all along it was a virus but let it spread wildly in the blood or in vaccines. Then iinstead of coming clean, they never fund more research. They publish bogus psycholocial studies. They collude with the UK and newspapers to hide this for many years. How can they justify this?

I thought the United states is supposed to be a democracy, but somehow the FDA, and the CDC(and probably many other agencies) have these officials who seem to make a career of terrorising us, and never seem get replaced by new presidents and elected officals. How scary is that? So it turns out our so called "elected officals" aren't really in power and have no control over the agencies that actually execture public policy? The FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA, Chamber of commerce, insurance regulatory agencies are all under some kind of sick sociopath control and can't be replaced? The whole thing is really sick. Then all the newspapers and televisions stations never really expose any of this.

It seems like for all of this to continue for so long, it must be some select group of powerful people that make it all happen. Becuase there is no way this could go on for 25 years without somebody finding out unless it was just a few powerful peopl pulling the strings while keeping everybody in the dark. If too many people were involved, a cover-up of this magnitude just simply couldn't work in a true democracy. Democracy is too messy for a cover-up of this magnitude to continue like it has with so many varying opinons and many officals are messed up, but not all sociopaths ike the ones keeping all this covered up for so long.

Just calling it like I see it folks. I can't many other logical explantions.


Senior Member
It's the synthetic XMRV clone, and the Lo patent on mycoplasma, and the timing of the 80s, that gets me all tinfoil hatty..It's easy to imagine an accidentally escaped bioagent or two got into the population, and coverup continues....Liabilty being a strong motivator for secrecy and denial...
Oh dear my tin foil hat is growing antennae!


Senior Member
To tell ya the truth I'm all into these conspiracy theories and NWO and Illuminati are some freaky shit since I'm following it and have learned a great deal about why the world works the way it does. Illuminati and NWO are REAL and is coming, I'm convinced.


Senior Member
I wouldnt put ANYTHING past the govmt and big business
agree to agree there
I just like planned parenthood : ) dont think they are one of the bad guys
I wouldnt put ANYTHING past the govmt and big business
agree to agree there
I just like planned parenthood : ) dont think they are one of the bad guys

Cool. Not familiar with the organization as whole. But planning parenthood makes sense to me. :)

Leela, I got a new hat, mine has silver in it to limit EMF's to my brain. Sounds like yours looks better though, mine is a just a green baseball cap. That LYME and HIV in the eighties too. Strange stuff. Frustrating we have lost so much time and effort without moving foward for 25 years.

Tia. That New world order stuff is interesting, I've seen bits and pieces. Not hard to imagine a Bildergberg group pulling everybody's strings when one feels like they are experiencing it first hand with this inability to duplicate a simple scientific XMRV study, and all the obvious bogus negatvie results. Not to mention all of the UK policies seem to be on the same page as the US. Heck feel like the stuff being pulled on me personally. The scariest thing to me is artwork hanging in the Denver international Airport in colorado. Jesse Ventura did a show on it. THe artwork displayed in that airport sends chills up my spine.

Look up "denver international airport murals" to see the artwork. WARNING sick stuff.
I forgot to mention. The denver international airport? The one that is a few miles from a huge existing ariport? Has a bunker underneath according to the show Conspiracy theory by Jesse VEntura. Jesse Ventura drives around and films all the tunnels materials, shows all the heavy equipment, explains how long it has taken to construct, talks about all the contractors who worked on the project.

Look up "denver international airport murals" and remember how there is a big government bunker underneith. Look at the pictures on the walls in that airport. Then quesiton whether you believe everythin you read in the news or here on TV. It's all questionable in my mind.


Senior Member
It really bugs me that when people write articles like this, they never mention the publication process itself, and how frought with political/institutional bias it all is.

The author carefully chose not to quote any PR posters who provided references to the as-yet unpublished papers by Singh, Mikovits, etc, but instead to quote those posts that conveyed dismay. Nor did s/he mention the alacrity with which the negative findings are published, paired with the sluggishness/resistance around the publishing of positive findings.

We need OpenLeaks of WikiLeaks to get on this!