Hi folks,
Something that is dwelling on my mind is the idea that these newspapers, governments agencies, that I thought were telling the truth and trying to help us are working to harm, discredit, and even do worse to us for 25 years
So I something I am trying to figure out, is if in fact the government is trying to de-populate us, or if it is big pharma trying to keep us sick ,or some kind of big mistake the defense department releasing XRMV and keep some coverup going on. Just trying to solve the puzzle. BUt now I am partially awake, I can see this corruption often and it boterhs me a great deal.
This realy got to me last night after watching Jessie Ventura conspraicy theory on the BP oil spill. Turns out, a BP executive gave $500 million the DR Chu of the deartment of energy while Dr chu was working at Lawerence livermore lab. Now dr chu is department of enrgy and hired back this Bp exec. So looks like BP has heavy influence in the department of energy. Seems like a cooincidence right? Maybe but it gets worse.
Bp is using a disperasnt called
corexit to spray with crop dusting airplanes over the oil spill sight.. some of it's ingrediants are: arsenic, cadmium, chromium, mercury, and cyanide. WOW. I would want to be within a 1000 miles of that gulf oil spill.
Below are some links to articles by the chicago tribune that shows How Trine Tsouderos has tried to discredit XRMV, Austism, Lyme disease, and OSR#1.