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WPI UK XMRV testing/study


The game is afoot
it says on the new questions and answers page,
how long will we have to wait for results and the reply is..This letter will be sent after the group data are accepted for publication

Does that mean we will get the results in around 3 weeks, like we were told at the start of the study ? its already been one week now, for some of us!

hugs to anyone who can help with this, :hug:

It means that Dr Judy will wait until all samples have been received and tested, the results analysed, a paper written and accepted for publication in a journal. Given that home visits will probably be carried out in May, I'd estimate that the earliest we're looking at is July.


Senior Member
Oh, well i was told many times, Only around 3 weeks I would have to wait for my results. I dont mind if things have changed...but to be honest its a shock mentally, 3 weeks is different to July.

I now have to come to terms with this, it is a roller coaster ride. (I am 1% up set, because I prepared my self!)

Yes, we were originally given the time frame of three weeks for results, which surprised me. If you post a question on the web site (xmrvweb.me.uk), we can forward it to Dr Judy for clarification.

Warmest wishes,



Villagelife, I guess really that this different, it is a study with a goal to achieve, and as a result of the study we are getting our XMRV results. Hang in there. With the private testing I was advised I would get my results in 3 weeks and it took 6 weeks. Countrygirl's advice was good and I would advise you to follow it. Take care.


Senior Member
North West, England, UK
Uk xmrv q & a

The following Q & A has been posted on the UK XMRV website.

Apologies if already posted.

There are some new questions and answers regarding the UK XMRV study on the website that's been set up today.

What are the objectives of the study? The UK study does not have specific selection criteria. How will this be handled when the results are analyzed and reported? Are the UK Study blood samples being tested for any other viruses other than XMRV?

We have a limit to this study.The goal of this study is to show that if an independent investigator whose lab has never done XMRV research uses the validated methods as published in Science for detecting XMRV, then there will be XMRV infected individuals (with disease) in the UK. That is the incidence of XMRV in ME/CFS in the UK is NOT ZERO and the failure to detect in the two UK studies does not mean XMRV is not present in the UK ME/CFS population, it simply means they failed to use appropriate methods and/or patient populations. Once this study finds a significant number of XMRV infected people, then hopefully this will compel proper research to be done on XMRV. Of course people are free to send samples to VIPDx (if they choose to be tested privately - please see links page of this site ).

I was very surprised that I did not need to fill out any sort of questionnaire with regards to my illness history, ie- how long I had been ill for, circumstances of when I became ill, symptoms etc, etc

We cannot collect information from individuals by questionnaires because our IRB directly rejected this as a risk to their privacy. At this time it is not a goal of the study to have any clinical correlations. Of course follow-on studies of this kind can be designed and implemented but we cannot do any of this with our current approval

Which is the second laboratory involved in the testing?

We identified two labs who have never worked on XMRV, who agreed to use our methods on samples directly shipped from UK patients who are sick..

Are there any drugs, minerals, vitamins etc that CFS/ME sufferers may be on that could affect the testing. Are there any drugs such as antivirals etc that should not be taken?

no, they can take anything because we do the four tests including immune response. If there is evidence of infection, we'll find it.

Are the people who applied before March 11th, but who did not receive
e-mails of confirmation, part of the trial?

We will accommodate as many as possible.

Is XMRV a mouse retrovirus that has jumped the specie barrier, or is it a
totally novel human retrovirus of unknown origin?

XMRV is a novel human virus of unknown origin. It's similarity suggest it came from mouse but since it is not at all in mouse it could have jumped to another animal first

Is there any evidence that XMRV could be detected in bone marrow? A lady has a sample of her bone marrow that has recently been biopsied...would that be of you use to you?

Yes ,we found it in the bone marrow of one person . We would like that sample.

Many people on the UK Study have been asking about how they will receive their results, through their GP or directly? Will they be in batches or will all the results for the Study be released together? Will they be released during the study or at the end? Will they be notified individually by email? Will the results be easy to interpret (some GP's here have been struggling with the VIP Dx result sheet). Is it possible for those in the study to have a copy of their consent form?

Each participant will receive a letter directly from me stating whether or not there is "evidence of XMRV infection" in their blood. This letter will be sent after the group data are accepted for publication. Each will also get an emailed signed copy of the consent.

If people wish this to be on a thread of it's own, could Admin please oblige?


Senior Member
Sheffield UK
Oh, well i was told many times, Only around 3 weeks I would have to wait for my results. ...to be honest its a shock mentally,
3 weeks is different to July.

I now have to come to terms with this, it is a roller coaster ride.

I am 1% up set, because I prepared my self!

I am also 1% cross, because this is a life changing test. I know the people are trying very hard to make this happen but this is all very emotional and I wish someone had stated that the around *3 week mark* could change and it has now changed dramatically!
im ill, weak and not strong and i'm in tears.


I really feel for you. You are being strong though. Look at those 1% percentages:Retro smile:

98% good is good.

I go away for 1 week early July. I set my mind on that as a target. Now it looks as though even that date might be optmistic.

I really feel for you. Have a good cry. Get up tomorrow and just try and think I can do this. I have waited all these years wondering, hoping that maybe one day I would know why I am ill. Perhaps in the back of your mind thinking I might never know. But now we are close to some answers.

take care

I will be in touch


Off the fence
The blood sample I gave was to help the WPI with their research. Re search = search again. Although I'm a little disappointed that we'll have to wait beyond the three weeks that I too was under the impression was the time frame, the main thing is that there is research being done into a large UK cohort, and in many ways it makes little difference to me at present whether I'm XMRV+ or - right now. I do want to know, but I understand.

Those guys at the WPI have their hands full.


Senior Member
I don't know if it is sacrilege to say it, but I'm not going to take the result, either way, as necessarily 100% accurate.
Looked at in this way, I think it won't be as hard for me to cope with a delay.
Exactly, Tomk. There must be a 5 - 10% area of uncertainty in the results anyway.

Why do you say 5-10% Jace?
I was under the impression that there wont be the same error potential (ie potential of false negatives) as people have experienced from say getting tested at VIP dx.
I honestly thought that by carrying out all four tests on our blood as described in the Science paper, results would be extremely accurate.


Senior Member
hi, can anyone who took the test at Ashford yesterday give some feedback on it. Did they run on time, was there any form filling etc.


Senior Member
The blood sample I gave was to help the WPI with their research. Re search = search again. Although I'm a little disappointed that we'll have to wait beyond the three weeks that I too was under the impression was the time frame, the main thing is that there is research being done into a large UK cohort, and in many ways it makes little difference to me at present whether I'm XMRV+ or - right now. I do want to know, but I understand.

Those guys at the WPI have their hands full.

I think you've said it, Jace, but for what it's worth, I'd like to reiterate your sentiments.....

As posted on the website, this study is not, and cannot be, designed to provide any of us with a diagnosis. The research has not got that far yet. All we will individually get is a known XMRV status. This will not conclude either way (at this stage) whether our symtoms are accounted for or not.

The only thing disappointing about the timeframe is that the original study reported in October 09, and we are, 6 months later, still talking about proving or dispoving test methods. I have my own views about who is responsible for this, and how and why, and I'm sure I need not say much more.

What I personally hope for is not to know my XMRV status as soon as possible, but for an acceleration of the research effort through openness, collaboration, innovation and intelligence.

I can dream.

Best to all



Senior Member
Sheffield UK
I think you've said it, Jace, but for what it's worth, I'd like to reiterate your sentiments.....

As posted on the website, this study is not, and cannot be, designed to provide any of us with a diagnosis. The research has not got that far yet. All we will individually get is a known XMRV status. This will not conclude either way (at this stage) whether our symtoms are accounted for or not.

The only thing disappointing about the timeframe is that the original study reported in October 09, and we are, 6 months later, still talking about proving or dispoving test methods. I have my own views about who is responsible for this, and how and why, and I'm sure I need not say much more.

What I personally hope for is not to know my XMRV status as soon as possible, but for an acceleration of the research effort through openness, collaboration, innovation and intelligence.

I can dream.

Best to all


Nice thoughts Steve. We are all with you on that.

Each of us must have set targets, goals, deadlines I imagine?

My targets are not so great. My deadlines are not written in stone. I will still be me whether or not I am XMRV+ whether or not I ever receive treatment and achieve a better quality of life.
Well people say, 'You don't have anything if you haven't got your health'. It is all about perspective is what I think I am trying to say. If you don't have your 'health' you can't go around thinking like someone who does. You adjust. Your perspective changes. Our pespective has now changed because of XMRV. We want more. We have hope. I hope this study is another little step along the way.

take care all of you in the study

we got hope


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
I emailed Judy about my own positive serology test and asked when I would find out if I had an active infection. This is part of her reply to me:

As a part of our research study, we are screening thousands of patient/control samples for evidence of XMRV infection. XMRV research is in its infancy and essentially nothing is known about the life cycle of XMRV. These are not diagnostic tests nor does any test at this time determine active vs latent infection. We are attempting to isolate and sequence XMRV from as many people as possible. This is time-consuming and costly.


Senior Member
hi, can anyone who took the test at Ashford yesterday give some feedback on it. Did they run on time, was there any form filling etc.

Hi coxy,

I was there yesterday, not quite recovered from the trip yet though.

I arrived 20 minutes early but still got seen straight away, in and out in about 10 minutes.

I was given a form to read through and sign, I asked the nurse for a copy, as I had read it but wouldn't retain any of it, that was no problem. I asked about the saliva test that I had heard about, she told me they would not be doing that, but if it was required at a later date, it could easily be sent out to us.

The first nurse I saw couldn't find a vein so went to get someone more experienced rather than keep stabbing me (which was nice, they usually stab away quite happily before admitting defeat)

All in all a well organized, not unpleasant experience.


The game is afoot
The first nurse I saw couldn't find a vein so went to get someone more experienced rather than keep stabbing me (which was nice, they usually stab away quite happily before admitting defeat).

Were they NHS nurses?


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
hi, can anyone who took the test at Ashford yesterday give some feedback on it. Did they run on time, was there any form filling etc.

Yes they seemed to be running on time. They gave a consent form to fill. The nurse/phlebotomist was very friendly. As a CFS patient you get used to dealing with miserable docs all the time, so its nice to meet health practitioners who actually enjoy their job!

I was initially reluctant to go to Ashford, since as a Londoner anything outside zone 6 is considered the "unknown", not to be trusted. Anyway the journey on the train was very quick and very pleasant. Top marks to the organizers.

The one gripe I have is that there was no sign posting saying where exactly the testing was. Had to wait until a member of staff came out before I could ask them. But other than that very smooth sailing.

Were they NHS nurses?

Yes pretty sure they were NHS nurses. Either way she was very good.


Senior Member
Just thought I would share this..

I got an email earlier this week, the 13th, from Phlebotomy Services, basically saying many of their emails had been returned as undeliverable. I tried to get onto this study ages ago and figured I wasn't in - but now it seems I am.

So keep an eye on your spam folder, as that's where this email went. Oh, and if you do get an email, maybe mark it as safe or add the email address to your contacts (or do both!) - that way any further ones should go straight to your inbox : )

They also asked for people's patience as they worked through logistics and email issues. It also said they are organizing collection locations.