ive been using facebook Network for Good to donate to WPI..does anyone know if this is a good organization? maybe i should donate to WPI directly through their website...but i think Andrea uses Network for Good...?
I've been wondering about this too, since I've given both ways. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but according to Charity Navigator, more of your money makes it to the charity (WPI) through Network for Good because it is a nonprofit too.
Network for Good charges a straight 4.75% transaction fee. Whereas if you go the WPI's site and give through Paypal there's the credit card transaction fee (usually around 3%) plus Paypal's nonprofit transaction fee of 2.2% plus 30 cents per transaction. (I'm not sure what Paypal's fees are if you just do a bank transfer though.)
So if you are giving through a credit card, it looks like using the WPI's
Cure 4 ME Facebook causes page is the way to go.
ETA: If you are not on Facebook, you can go directly to the WPI's Network for Good page