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WPI is a Not-for-Profit


Senior Member
The following appears on the Home Page for this website.
Very sad news WPI seems to have been removed from the (Chase Community Giving) contest, probably because their profits are to high (for this competition) or they are not the right kind of 'charitable' organisation.
Firstly, WPI "IS" a non-profit 501C3.org in the USA, and I have to say that characterizations of the WPI as a for-profit on this website are inaccurate, surprising, and unhelpful.

I have gone the direct route requesting a change, and understand this needs to be done by senior admin here. I have started a new thread, so this happens promptly.

Please correct this error. Rather than speculate, perhaps you might go directly to the WPI and/or Chase to enquire exactly why the WPI is no longer on the Chase Community Giving list.

Thank you


Phoenix Rising Founder
That statement was based on speculation; what we found out - after heavily promoting the WPI in the contest - we were try to help them out! - was that the competition was limited to non profits with budgets less than 1,000,000. We didn't know which factors knocked them out. Frank is from the Netherlands - he worked very hard to get the WPI help - and his English is not so great - he meant no harm and we meant no harm and it has been corrected.


Senior Member

Bottom line, as it were, it's important to distinguish between size of budgets, versus for-profit and not-for-profit. WPI is not in it for profits: they are a not-for-profit organization, is the key take-home message.

You speed in addressing this much appreciated, Cort.



Senior Member
Sofa, UK
And thank you parvofighter for spotting the mistake and getting it corrected. You highlighted a mistake of mine a little while ago and although I had clearly annoyed you and your criticism was pretty sharp, more so than it needed to be I felt (I listen to you anyway without any need for emphasis) I'm still grateful to you for pointing out where I was going wrong. The way I had been describing my thoughts on a variety of subjects was too sweeping and should have been expressed more carefully to try to take different experiences into account; I've tried to be more careful since then, hope I'm doing OK? I'm always happy to be corrected where my ignorance or oversight causes any kind of misunderstanding, and I hope you'll continue to do so...as early and as gently as you can, if you don't mind me asking...:Retro smile: