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Wow an absolute wealth of information and promise


Senior Member
https://www.caringmedical.com/prolotherapy-news/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-cervical-stenosis/ wow this website is an absolute wealth of information and promise. There is so much to see... In detail explanations of instability, their procedures, so much research, how you get treated while at the office (sounds great and comprehensive in terms of making sure people are as comfortable as possible, but this is only from what's said, I'd like to see for myself what it's like). I found him listed on the EDS Foundation website. I watched a video of him doing a procedure for instability using ultrasound and it was hard to watch. They didn't look in much pain because they numb you up, but jeez wow seeing him go in was difficult. Makes it a little hard to trust getting things done in these incredibly fragile areas but hey you have to trust something/someone. I am going to turn my attention to this place and investigate it, and likely schedule if they are as good and comprehensive and caring and they seem (as he seems, anyway, in his videos). Things like numbing up some areas of the neck before doing a digital motion x ray to reduce guarding so a truer picture is shown, tell me he is a true expert.

scroll down here to where it starts talking about instability with a bunch of research and a video of him and a patient that had a severe neurological situation pre treatment https://www.caringmedical.com/prolotherapy/



i love that he feels funky enough to wear those glasses haha. I sincerely hope this is an option financially for those of us who want it and can travel. I haven't made a call yet to find out anything. Well I'm gunna let myself get excited. I've had an absolute shit day, losing to mcas a very important food I need to control hypoglycemia, so I'm hanging on right now while I scramble to find alternatives and feed myself enough, and I needed some cheering up.