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I tried to send you a private message duckndive, but I see that you have removed that option.
I tried to send you a private message duckndive, but I see that you have removed that option.
I hoped I had made it clear in my PM, duckndive, that her medical conditions and housing needs have been repeatedly and thoroughly assessed over the years by experienced physicians and the reports sent to the relevant authorites, but they have chosen to disregard them. Nothing more can be done.
Absolutely D&D, you seem to have decided to stay, and are learning fast.
Think we must be at cross-purposes here. I have no idea what that means.
If Gillian's living conditions are so dire, then someone needs to help her work with those who can change them. That doesn't involve throwing small change at her. It involves making sure she's getting any financial benefits she may be entitled to and supporting her through the processes necessary to enable her to be housed appropriately and and receive appropriate medical care.
Her living conditions are dire and the construction of a chemically-free safe house is the priority, as you rightly say. However, the bottom line is Gillian has not been able to work for 20 years and cannot afford to buy a house for herself. This has led to the creation of Safe-as-Houses with the aim of collecting money and grants (we need someone who will research this) so that the house can be built and rented to Gillian. Gillian now needs people who will serve on the board of the company/charity to source funding and take the scheme forward. So far, an architect has drawn up the plans and a doctor has donated ground. The great need is for volunteers who would like to be involved in continuing this work.
Meanwhile, Gillian's urgent need is a computer to enable to survive her isolation. It would restore much of her independence and she could conduct her own advocacy. At the moment she relies on a tiny group of sick folk for all her needs, which cannot be sustained. She also is an author of 14 books on her specialist subject and a computer would enable her to continue her work and also share her wealth of knowledge about the biochemisty of the illness with the patient community. It would also relieve her isolation.
A temporary home needs to be sourced in the meantime, but we haven't been able to find anything that isn't laden with chemicals or emitting EMFs. It would have to situated on an organic farm, of course.
I hope the above clarifies the situation ,D&D.
I find it odd and a bit depressing really that most of the posters in this thread can't conceive of there being more than one (their?) way to help. If the living conditions are a fraction as bad as the anecdotes suggest, the top priority should surely be to do something positive to get her out of that accomodation?
Hi Duck n dive, i agree with you wholeheartedly that the top priority is Gillians accomodation, and that ALL avenues, even those previously exhausted should continue to be looked into. I am one of the people who has made suggestions on here and i have also donated a very small amount of money as an immediate emergency measure. However, i am certainly not "attached" to any particular way of thinking or being in this situation. your input and suggestions are valued as much as the next persons and i agree that anyone should be wary of internet scams. your knowledge of the processes could be very useful for Gillian.
The way i see it is that the people who have been advocating for Gillian are all sick or elderly and not able to continue with the level of support previously offered. I think that country girl is just puttin gi out there for others to get involved in and to keep the campaign fresh and alive.
I also agree that more information on her condition and the charity being set up are needed. This thread i see as a way of drawing those people together to sort this out further, i agree that it should be done in a proffessional and legal manner and i am sure that Gillian would agree, for that to happen she needs people who can do that and help her to do that which is very difficult when you are relying on serioulsy ill people.
For example i am very keen to help Gillian and any others with severe M.E who have been marginalised by the healthcare system in this country, however i cannot drive for more than a couple of miles from my house about once a week. I dont live near a major centre or any other M.E patients. I cannot work even part time. Some days i have to limit my computer/talking/thinking time. In short i am moderately affected and trying to keep my own baseline high enough to function for my family and to have some quality of life.
Can you provide a link to Safe-as-houses please? I've searched all the combinations of .com,, .org etc. etc. I can think of and can't find anything. I've also searched the CIC Register, Companies House and the Charity Commission.
Hello duckndive,
Perhaps you might like to read the following article that was dictated by Gillian to Nicki's young carer (it still contains some small typing/spelling errors) that is on further adventures of the safe as houses
Please click on forums, followed by news and announcements and then download the attached file.
I am not involved with safe as houses, so cannot give you any details. Nicki or Gillian herself could answer all your questions.
Nicki is in the process of obtaining charity status for chemicalfree.