Will chelation be hard if I have a partial methylation block?


Senior Member
My understanding is the body uses glutathione to bind mercury for excretion. If I have low gluthathione due to a partial methylation block and attempt chelation of heavy metals will i suffer quite badly as my gluthathione is low/chelation be quite hard to tolerate? Or am I understanding this all wrongly and a chelator does the job of gluthathione and binds the heavy metal for excretion so it does not matter if my glutathione is low?

Any ideas/thoughts/advice most welcome. Many thanks in advance


Senior Member
SW Florida
The liver is going to be stressed by chelation. Any problems with methylation are going to be more stress. I was told by my doctor to not even attempt chelation until I had cured leaky gut. That was also responsible for my methylation problem. So when I cured LG, methylation turned back on. I'm doing chelation now and it's quite tolerable. I've done 38 sessions so far. Have you done a CDSA to check the status of your gut?

Another thing to think about is that if methylation isn't working properly, chelation may just end up redistributing metals instead of getting them out. I think methylation shutting down is the reason the metals became a problem in the first place.


Senior Member
The liver is going to be stressed by chelation. Any problems with methylation are going to be more stress. I was told by my doctor to not even attempt chelation until I had cured leaky gut. That was also responsible for my methylation problem. So when I cured LG, methylation turned back on. I'm doing chelation now and it's quite tolerable. I've done 38 sessions so far. Have you done a CDSA to check the status of your gut?

Another thing to think about is that if methylation isn't working properly, chelation may just end up redistributing metals instead of getting them out. I think methylation shutting down is the reason the metals became a problem in the first place.

Hi Catseye

How did you know that methylation turned back on when you had dealt with leaky gut? Did you have tests?



Senior Member
SW Florida
The tests I did were the CDSAs. They indicated what was happening with the guts and liver, but they don't specifically mention methylation. My enormous improvement in symptoms and energy and my increased ability to digest food told me that's what happened. I knew my liver was having problems, especially since I had had hep c, and I read a lot of the reports by Rich about methylation. It was obvious to me when it turned back on, I just felt so much better overall. Plus I was taking folate and MSM and some other things that help methylation.


Senior Member
I did fine with a supplement called Chelex. This was before anyone knew about methylation. Heavy metals tested before and after showed they got lower. I still have one small mercury filling.

I went very low and slow. This is from memory, so maybe not totally accurate, but started with 1/16 of one pill or something small, a couple times a week. Was gradually able to increase the dose, but I think I still stayed with a couple times a week.

One thing to be aware of is your mineral status because the chelation will also draw out minerals. I did Doctors Data Metals and Minerals test which showed low minerals to start with. I did extra minerals for a month before starting chelation and during chelation. This is also where I added in betaine hydrochloride because the minerals were still low despite supplementation which meant they weren't digesting properly due to low stomach acid.

I did the Chelex for 6 months.


Senior Member
My understanding is the body uses glutathione to bind mercury for excretion. If I have low gluthathione due to a partial methylation block and attempt chelation of heavy metals will i suffer quite badly as my gluthathione is low/chelation be quite hard to tolerate? Or am I understanding this all wrongly and a chelator does the job of gluthathione and binds the heavy metal for excretion so it does not matter if my glutathione is low?

Any ideas/thoughts/advice most welcome. Many thanks in advance

I always thought that heavy metals were detoxified by glutathione-based enzymes. So the healthier your levels of endogenous glutathione and related enzymes the easier it should be. I'm following the Cutler protocol and my understanding is that there are various additional aspects involved in detoxifying mercury, including the method of chelation. According to Cutler whenever one is chelating, even if done effectively, there's always some damage to the body. I assume an adequate level of glutathione should help protect against this damage. Apart from that, an effective chelator should bind the mercury tightly but I suspect one needs other steps to get rid of it e.g. good bile flow, adequate levels of certain minerals and aminoacids, the ones I can think of right now.


Senior Member
My understanding is the body uses glutathione to bind mercury for excretion. If I have low gluthathione due to a partial methylation block and attempt chelation of heavy metals will i suffer quite badly as my gluthathione is low/chelation be quite hard to tolerate? Or am I understanding this all wrongly and a chelator does the job of gluthathione and binds the heavy metal for excretion so it does not matter if my glutathione is low?

Any ideas/thoughts/advice most welcome. Many thanks in advance

Hi. anniekim.

I think it's best to try to get the methylation cycle block lifted and glutathione up first, to the degree that is possible, before doing chelation, if chelation is necessary. Having a good glutathione level will help to protect the body when the metals are mobilized, I think.

If the heavy metals body burden is very high, these metals can block enzymes involved in the sulfur metabolism, including those associated with methylation and glutathione, to the degree that these parts of the metabolism will not recover very well under methylation treatment. If this is the case, then I think that chelation has to be done first, but it should be started slowly.

Best regards,
