Why did paracetamol clear my PEM?


Senior Member
Atlanta, GA
It's been a few weeks where I've been trying to work through dosages and new medications, seeing what could possibly help my PEM (aripiprazole, anti-histamine, B2, SAM-e).

Nothing has really worked lately except for today -- attempted paracetamol after my stomach was feeling slightly achey / acidic from a meal. This last period I have also had an IBS flare, perhaps due to the high vitamin B2 supplement or some other medication's effect.

I was feeling really brain fogged and with some significant amount of PEM. Picked up paracetamol (sublingual powder) since I was running errands while at work. The paracetamol did two things: instantly pull me out of PEM / brain fog and revert my IBS flare.

This has happened to me once or twice before (where I really took notice that it was overtly and expediently helping my symptoms). Has this been the case for anyone else? The drug is extremely common. Therefore, I wondered if someone benefited at one point or another from paracetamol and if they had clues as to its mechanism for ME/CFS and PEM. The effect was not just temporary (a few hours) but lasted throughout the day and allowed me to expend energy properly, and sharply.
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The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
No effect on my end. In fact it is a poor pain reliever, i use Naproxen most of the time. Though for some types of pain it works well in combination.

That said glad its working for you.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
In your honour i am taking 500mg now to see if it will affect my current PEM.

If this is my last post you will all know why (sarcasm) :D