- the charges of Murdoch running the government are, I've got to say, fairly hyperbolic.
- when it comes to journalists etc, I think it's helpful for me to explain a little how structured a reporter's day typically is.
Thanks for the insights jstash. I might respond that since our Secretary of State for Health presumably only has that job because he covered Cameron's backside, along with Murdoch's, any chance of Murdoch not influencing Health policy is remote. OK Murdoch may not be selling the papers he did but that is not the point I was making.
Note that Jerome is freelance and submitted this as a proposal because he is interested in trust between doctors and patients on a wide basis. He does not produce copy to order as far as I know.
I think there is a problem with crowdfunding an investigative journalist in the UK because the targets will just turn around and point out that the patients are so malicious they even put private spooks on to you. And the public is quite likely to swallow it. David is fine because he started off on his own initiative. There are some investigative journalists in the wings who might come on board but I think it would be best if it is their initiative too.
In a sense we now have the story out there in print for all relevant audiences. The public do not really need (or want) to know more I suspect. The professionals and bureaucrats who are stalling the process of change will be informed by the JHP issue and from patients via DM.
Media people have expressed interest in digging deeper but at the moment are sitting on the fence. Something which I think may be an issue is that the media are seeing the case from ME/CFS advocates presented in various forms, which do not necessarily quite line up. That is bound to happen a bit but media people like to present a group of people singing from the same hymn sheet - certainly for TV. And ME is hard for people to understand so there is caution.
My feeling is that fairly soon there will be an opportunity to raise some deeper issues. And I think both advocates and journalists are now reasonably well primed about how to respond. Up until now it has been standard for anyone putting their head above the parapet to get a drubbing from a knight of the realm. I think that may change.
It isn't really that anyone has been afraid of being sued for libel by these people in the past - some they thought they WERE the experts and some did not want to get sacked for rocking the boat. That looks a bit different now.