I took Molydenum (1mg Molybdenum Glycinate from Thorne Research) yesterday for the first time because i have a shortage (0.05, almost nothing). I have experienced a
strong adverse reaction.
Within a few hours i really didn't feel well:
- A lot of pain on the chest / chest discomfort
- Malaise
- Short in breathe
- Pain in fingers
- Can't do much, feels like i am getting a heartattack or such!
The next day I woke up without the symptoms. But after 250ml cocosmilk, banana and a carrot (plus vitamin c, vitamin d and b complex) all symptoms came back.
What could be the cause?
- Detox; Soon i get my hair results back but i suspect i have some heavy metals (mercury).
- Too much Sulfate?
- Too high uric acid?
- I have read that it affects the copper/zinc balance (my copper is low).
- Probably 1mg is too much for me
I am reluctant to use it again, even in lower dosis.
Should I assume this is just a detox reaction or should I be concerned about any causing more harm than good?