I have the same problem. I smell chemical smells, like fragrances added to products. Those drive me up the wall. THEN, I also can identify different bacteria/germs like Athene. I don't know the names, but I will say, "this street smells like that rotten milk/expired chicken smell." Or something will have the "wet towel" germ smell (a mold or mildew I presume), but it won't be a wet towel, it'll be someone's arm, so I can tell they rubbed against a wet towel, or somehow got that mildew on them. Or the dirty dish sponge smell. I can distinguish all those. And those don't drive me insane like the fake smells, but I can tell all those "organic" (aka, living thing) smells apart.
I have also been diagnosed with Lyme. So go figure!!!!!!!! Pretty nuts. I would really like to know what causes this. A few months before I crashed....really for about a solid year, the smell of my deodorant had been driving me insane, and I wouldn't wear it. That was really my first symptom, honestly. It came before the others.
I am wondering about adrenal involvement. Not sure if it could be due to Lyme itself, or if it is just kind of a part of the whole thing going on. Would love to hear thoughts though.
I'm guessing it's either adrenals, since that is a known symptom with dysfunction of adrenals, or if it's toxicity from too much of an infection in the body.
Which lab did you use for LD tests? How many years were ill with symptoms, before your LD diagnosis? Do you get elecrical vibrating jolts in the body, more so in the torso?
I had an itch under the left arm in April. I thought it was a mole. I scratched it
and "it" fell off, sqauahed. During that time, I had "flu" but real flu, blocked nose,
cough etc.. My heart went up 30 bpm above its base line for about four weeks.
Floaters, headaches, and other symptoms, plus now the electricl jolts. My GP tested
using the ELISA, it was negative. I know that tests are not reliable. I am not sure, if I
should do PCR tests with IGENEX?
I had a weird rash on my tummy two weeks ago, it was not typical bull's eye rash.
I have no idea what the bug under the arm is. I have not been to a park, or woods,
have no pets. Nor did the previous tenants in the appartment. I often see same little
bugs crawling on the wall, which may be coming from outside..