Who has autonomic dysfunction?


Senior Member
New Zealand
I don't think probiotics are much help after an infection is established. Here's what Wikipedia says about treatments: "Candidiasis is treated with antifungal medications; these include clotrimazole, nystatin, fluconazole, voriconazole, amphotericin B, and echinocandins."

Notice that these are not antibiotics. Antibiotics for strep infection would be appropriate in a combined candida/strep infection, but would not much affect fungi.

Meanwhile, back at a previous question, I had thought you were talking earlier about a nasal swab to test for a sinus infection which might be draining. Did I misunderstand a reference to a vaginal swab?

Not at all. I had both swabbed.
I wish that would help with my nausea and queasy gut lol
Hi Kenjie, This GI issue going on is problematic. Most Medical professionals agree that the imbalances in GI flora alone can cause numerous issues to occur and that Probiotics are one of the safest and most effective ways for you to maintain this balance and many recommend it as part of a regular dietary regimen for overall GI health and avoid or possibly resolve conditions such as SIBO with Plantarum species of probiotic among others. Personally I take a Wide Spectrum Probiotic that includes Plantarum all the time. I feel better and I have resolved my Nausea and my personally tested leaky gut issues using that Probiotic and Digestive Enzymes, both OTC(over the counter).

People take antacids and acid blockers for GI and they both have a lot of possible detriments. Antacids wipe out healthy flora for instance in your GI tract. I say that for the benefit of many.

I had also found that I had low stomach acid production through another personal test. Undigested food with needed nutrients.

If your GI tract has permeability issues (like Leaky Gut Syd.) and some of your vital nutrients are not fully digested they can be interpreted in your system as foreign bodies that can potentially set off triggers in your immune system as soon as they pass through that begin waves of inflammation and if that response is large enough you will VOMIT as a built in defense mechanism for the body to rid itself of the problem. There is known to be a very strong connection between the GI tract and the Brain, that is how you realize you have Nausea and are queezy. I found that to increase dizzy symptoms that were already there but brought them to an awareness level.

Now I'm not saying that Probiotics are the best way to deal with SIBO or Candida species of Yeast. Because of the many implications that Antibiotics cause in the body but I would try PB first, that is just me. I just don't feel comfortable with AB's and as a personal rule of thumb, I avoid them, that's right I just avoid them, and if you study you will find out why, that is for another time. There are other options out there for Discovery.

Now for Candida; Candida is a natural species of Yeast in all of our bodies but its peculiarities effect women more. When numbers of this species of yeast become too large they cause Medically diagnosable conditions, apparent. I posted to give you a range reference for the conditions that may fit. All I know is you say you have been Dx for Thrush and have a range of SXs and if so you may still have Candida raising havoc.

The only other offering that I have for now is that the Proboulardi species of Probiotics are known to drive back numbers of Candida and get them down to a level of balance. And trying them can improve your GI health without harm gently, I don't know about clearing your nasal area though if that be the case but somebody mentioned nasal saline to assist and I like that. Another measure then may be in order and I believe there are many w/o medical intervention that are safe. Whatever you do please come back and share your findings so that we may all continue in this conversation to learn and thrive in good health. :) And if I inadvertently stepped on anybody's toes I am truly sorry!


Senior Member
New Zealand
Hi Kenjie, This GI issue going on is problematic. Most Medical professionals agree that the imbalances in GI flora alone can cause numerous issues to occur and that Probiotics are one of the safest and most effective ways for you to maintain this balance and many recommend it as part of a regular dietary regimen for overall GI health and avoid or possibly resolve conditions such as SIBO with Plantarum species of probiotic among others. Personally I take a Wide Spectrum Probiotic that includes Plantarum all the time. I feel better and I have resolved my Nausea and my personally tested leaky gut issues using that Probiotic and Digestive Enzymes, both OTC(over the counter).

People take antacids and acid blockers for GI and they both have a lot of possible detriments. Antacids wipe out healthy flora for instance in your GI tract. I say that for the benefit of many.

I had also found that I had low stomach acid production through another personal test. Undigested food with needed nutrients.

If your GI tract has permeability issues (like Leaky Gut Syd.) and some of your vital nutrients are not fully digested they can be interpreted in your system as foreign bodies that can potentially set off triggers in your immune system as soon as they pass through that begin waves of inflammation and if that response is large enough you will VOMIT as a built in defense mechanism for the body to rid itself of the problem. There is known to be a very strong connection between the GI tract and the Brain, that is how you realize you have Nausea and are queezy. I found that to increase dizzy symptoms that were already there but brought them to an awareness level.

Now I'm not saying that Probiotics are the best way to deal with SIBO or Candida species of Yeast. Because of the many implications that Antibiotics cause in the body but I would try PB first, that is just me. I just don't feel comfortable with AB's and as a personal rule of thumb, I avoid them, that's right I just avoid them, and if you study you will find out why, that is for another time. There are other options out there for Discovery.

Now for Candida; Candida is a natural species of Yeast in all of our bodies but its peculiarities effect women more. When numbers of this species of yeast become too large they cause Medically diagnosable conditions, apparent. I posted to give you a range reference for the conditions that may fit. All I know is you say you have been Dx for Thrush and have a range of SXs and if so you may still have Candida raising havoc.

The only other offering that I have for now is that the Proboulardi species of Probiotics are known to drive back numbers of Candida and get them down to a level of balance. And trying them can improve your GI health without harm gently, I don't know about clearing your nasal area though if that be the case but somebody mentioned nasal saline to assist and I like that. Another measure then may be in order and I believe there are many w/o medical intervention that are safe. Whatever you do please come back and share your findings so that we may all continue in this conversation to learn and thrive in good health. :) And if I inadvertently stepped on anybody's toes I am truly sorry!

Excellent posting. Just waiting back on swabs. Im interested in requesting bloods for candida quite possibly.


Senior Member

One question seems to have slipped by:

"I'm also wondering if you were taking simple metoprolol or a common compound of that drug with hydrochlorthiazide. If so this could result in several other symptoms you have reported."

The reason for this question is that you had a previous unusual reaction to a diuretic which could deplete potassium, and this common combination with hydrochlorthiazide also acts as a diuretic and can deplete potassium. I'm trying to find out if your dizziness correlates with fluid depletion or an electrolyte imbalance involving less potassium.

Repeated prescription of diuretics would make sense if you were suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure), but should be contraindicated if you are hypovolemic and suffering bouts of orthostatic hypotension, as many who come here are. Has a doctor warned you about high blood pressure?


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
I just finding it interesting that turning my head in all directions brought on dizziness...
The obvious thing that springs to mind is Vertigo so look into trying the Epley Maneuver for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo to see if that helps with dizziness. Or maybe it's an eye thing and relates somehow to your dilated eye vessels too?
Questions.. how do we test for candida?
Your tongue should look milky white. Get up close and personal with your poo too, if it has little white flecks through it, that can be a sign of systemic candidiasis. Your GP should be able to order tests for it.


Senior Member
New Zealand

One question seems to have slipped by:

"I'm also wondering if you were taking simple metoprolol or a common compound of that drug with hydrochlorthiazide. If so this could result in several other symptoms you have reported."

The reason for this question is that you had a previous unusual reaction to a diuretic which could deplete potassium, and this common combination with hydrochlorthiazide also acts as a diuretic and can deplete potassium. I'm trying to find out if your dizziness correlates with fluid depletion or an electrolyte imbalance involving less potassium.

Repeated prescription of diuretics would make sense if you were suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure), but should be contraindicated if you are hypovolemic and suffering bouts of orthostatic hypotension, as many who come here are. Has a doctor warned you about high blood pressure?

I had regular bouts of low blood pressure which is currently normal. No high blood pressure has ever been present.

Only took the diuretic for 3 weeks that was couple months ago. Same for metoprolol last only just short of 3 weeks and stopped. The dizziness has persisted since december.. at the moment the dizziness is constant all day every day even if sitting or laying still.

Heart rate all over show.. mostly slow and skipping beats. Dont know if this is cause or contribution of dizziness.

I went out today looked at a shop. Started getting hot and dizzy after an hour then the dizziness has been there all day since so has low heart rate. Its awful.

So i surmise that physically my body is ok i can be mobile and walk.. but internally something is causing dizziness and funky heart rate..


Senior Member
Let me confirm what I believe you have told me: you are not taking the metoprolol or any diuretic, and you are still having episodes with low heart rate. You may also be having episodes of tachycardia, but at the moment I'm asking about bradycardia (slow heart rate).

Several things in this history sound like long QT syndrome, which is something that can be confirmed with objective measurements. As usual, I'm worrying about dangerous extremes that may not apply to you. The fact that you report it continuing when you are lying down is especially concerning to me.

Another possibility is that you are having episodes of atrial fibrillation, which can also be caught on measurements, though it will probably take a 24 hour Holter monitor recording to be sure. If this is the case the bradycardia is not what it seems, because you are missing beats or having a weak beat you don't detect following a strong beat. This is not an hypothesis that should be rejected simply because it doesn't match a doctor's gut feeling.


Senior Member
New Zealand
Let me confirm what I believe you have told me: you are not taking the metoprolol or any diuretic, and you are still having episodes with low heart rate. You may also be having episodes of tachycardia, but at the moment I'm asking about bradycardia (slow heart rate).

Several things in this history sound like long QT syndrome, which is something that can be confirmed with objective measurements. As usual, I'm worrying about dangerous extremes that may not apply to you. The fact that you report it continuing when you are lying down is especially concerning to me.

Another possibility is that you are having episodes of atrial fibrillation, which can also be caught on measurements, though it will probably take a 24 hour Holter monitor recording to be sure. If this is the case the bradycardia is not what it seems, because you are missing beats or having a weak beat you don't detect following a strong beat. This is not an hypothesis that should be rejected simply because it doesn't match a doctor's gut feeling.

Which is why i dont know what to do next. Doctor keeps sending me home thinking im fine. The hospital did the same thing. It makes me feel hopeless and like a lost cause..


Senior Member
New Zealand
Also still having the dizziness there all the time wether laying down or standing up even when heart rate us a 'normal' rythym..


Senior Member
Also still having the dizziness there all the time wether laying down or standing up even when heart rate us a 'normal' rythym..
That sounds like vertigo. Let us know if the abnormal variations in heart rate continue.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Also still having the dizziness there all the time wether laying down or standing up even when heart rate us a 'normal' rythym..
Are you on antibiotics at the moment, some of them can cause the dizziness feeling.

Re if you are skipping heart beats, you can often feel the dropped beats while sitting quietly and feeling your pulse beat rhythm.


Senior Member
New Zealand
Are you on antibiotics at the moment, some of them can cause the dizziness feeling.

Re if you are skipping heart beats, you can often feel the dropped beats while sitting quietly and feeling your pulse beat rhythm.

Not currently. Just been to physio who thinks potentially peri menopause but she cant say for sure til she talks to colleagues on who to see. I see her again next week.

Swabs came back today..i have staphorous bacteria in nose which would explain inflammation and maybe the pressure in forehead and nose?

And in my no no part candida/lactobacillus (thrush/bacteria)..

Need to talk to a nurse about those .

And yes when im sitting relaxed i can feel my slow heart rate and when it skips beats.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Just been to physio who thinks potentially peri menopause
Or could just as easily be Autonomic Neuropathy. Menopause is an easy one to blame, fallen for it myself before autonomic function tests were done.
And yes when im sitting relaxed i can feel my slow heart rate and when it skips beats.
Do you sometimes wake up at night feeling like you're drowning in your own fluids and need to sit up to get some deep breathes in? That can result from dropping beats during sleep, either way, sounds like you need a 24 Holter Monitor test. A G.P. can order that here before referral to a specialist.


Senior Member
New Zealand
Or could just as easily be Autonomic Neuropathy. Menopause is an easy one to blame, fallen for it myself before autonomic function tests were done.

Do you sometimes wake up at night feeling like you're drowning in your own fluids and need to sit up to get some deep breathes in? That can result from dropping beats during sleep, either way, sounds like you need a 24 Holter Monitor test. A G.P. can order that here before referral to a specialist.

No..sometimes just wake up hot flush and dizzy.. and sometimes anxious if havent woken or come to properly then i have to breath slow to remain calm and keep from spinning..


Senior Member
Very tired today too after waking 3 timessage last night to racy heart adrenalin shock type feeling.

No..sometimes just wake up hot flush and dizzy.. and sometimes anxious if havent woken or come to properly then i have to breath slow to remain calm and keep from spinning..

Hi Kenjie,

Hypoglycemia can cause similar symptoms, a panicky feeling - racing heart, sweating, nausea etc. Probably not relevant to your situation, but mentioning, just in case.

A holter monitor sounds like a good idea, but I know how difficult it is when doctors won't listen.

Good to hear you've had a better experience at the new clinic though.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
A holter monitor sounds like a good idea, but I know how difficult it is when doctors won't listen.
Or better yet, a longer term event monitor as 24 hours of monitoring may not catch it. I've worn a monitor for 3 weeks and that is not unusual. Probably you would have to go to a cardiologist or an electrophysiologist (cardiologist who specializes in heart rhythms) to get one though.


Senior Member
New Zealand
Or better yet, a longer term event monitor as 24 hours of monitoring may not catch it. I've worn a monitor for 3 weeks and that is not unusual. Probably you would have to go to a cardiologist or an electrophysiologist (cardiologist who specializes in heart rhythms) to get one though.

But then it could be these bacteria infections causing all these symptoms. Have been given antibiotics etc and will re-swab in a weeks time and see if my symptoms improve after antibiotics.

Ive gone in circles for so long!


Senior Member

A persistent staph infection in a sinus sounds like a good reason to have multiple symptoms. You are also in the situation I was worried about concerning a possible antibiotic-resistant infection, though we won't know that for some time. I'm hoping they are not prescribing the same antibiotic that failed to clear the infection before.

If you still have an active infection, it is quite possible immune response is impairing endocrine function, so I would not expect you to go into menopause right away once the infection is cleared.