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I find ray peat really interesting, have been trying to take him with a grain of salt, since he makes such strong/broad claims.
Yeah I completely agree and think the same of Jack Kruse. Both are really good and interesting but they seem to be pretty set in their theories and not so open to going back on them. Still you can learn a lot and entertain a lot of these ideas without agreeing 100%.
The real goal I have though is to read the primary sources peat cites, read some albert szent-gyorgyi, and come to my own conclusions. That's a long term goal, though, as right now I read extremely slowly.
This is also my goal. Read, read, read, and try to understand. I have found slamming my head against a brick wall of really hard stuff not so effective. It helps to try and learn more basic ideas and build up to advanced. I know this is obvious but it took me years of trying (and failing) to read jacks blogs without any solid foundations before I changed my approach.
I have a few books saved on my computer from Travis on the raypeat forums from Albert Szent Gyogri as he comes up a lot in peat and kruses work. I think it's related to Gilbert Ling, and Gerald Pollacks work on water. If you are interested, Pollacks book on water is very easy to read and very interesting. This really helped build my foundation of knowledge in this area. Another good one is "The vital question" (I think) by Nick Lane for a good look at how mitochondria work. Also watching Masterjohn for his stuff on the TCA cycle.
I haven't tried any of the more serious peat suggestions like supplementing thyroid hormone, but he seems to be obviously right about saturated fats, he's not the only one who says that stuff.
Yeah I think he's solid on saturated fat, avoiding PUFA, EMFs, and is very interesting on other areas also. I am not yet convinced of the high carb approach being good in climates and races that have low sun light but I am open to the possibility.
As for T3. I have some that I intend to use at some point in really small amounts like 0.1mcg after reading the T1AM thread on here.