From where I sit 1.5 years after my 23andme testing, it seems like having an X-ray of my entire life. Here were the underlying reasons for why my body failed at so many points, why I had asthma or low back flares at each challenge.
In retrospect, I could have just continued working from my symptoms, without the testing. That's how I've been treating myself into wellness for the past 2.5 years.
When I was at my wit's end I stumbled upon GAPS, fortuitously following a link from a comment on an unrelated article. What if I hadn't been reading that article, followed that link?
Gut and Psychology Syndrome...could that be why I'm such a mess???
From GAPS forums I heard of MTHFR, pyroluria, and 23andme. I took a questionnaire for pyroluria, and started supplementing, changed my life. A blood test showed a single MTHFR defect, I began treating for it. Going histamine-free for a urine histamine test which showed nothing, demonstrated that my facial eczema was driven by histamines. And eliminating sulfur foods knocked out the remaining eczema.
So I didn't actually need the genetic testing to show me the MAO and CBS defects pointing to sulfur and histamine intolerance. As well as the additional MTHFR factor, which moved it out of the 'inconsequential' status my blood test had suggested.
It's been handy, interesting, informative to learn that COMT is worrier/warrior, that MAO is known both as the psychopath and violence gene. These might help explain my over-reactivity, tho I'm far too empathic, not anywhere need psychopathic. Here, too, when my adrenals cleared after a significant detox, I was no longer over-reactive, irritable, agitated. Only in researching adrenals at that time did I find the link to low back inflammation
It took commitment to detox to get there, not reading my genetics.
So Coolie, I agree w/ you.