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Where to start to get out of this crash?

Apologies in advance if this isn't very coherent, my brain isn't functioning at it's best right now. I would really appreciate some advice on how to proceed. I'm in a tough crash atm. I'm not 100% sure why.

I want to be more proactive with my health but the trouble is, I don't know where to start. I'm hoping that discussing here might help with narrowing focus and priority.

My gut feeling is that some of my issues are adrenal and Candida/overgrowth related. Adrenal - because of the sweating and feeling briefly better after eating. I don't have much caffeine but tea or coffee can also give me a brief lift. Just enough to make it bearable being out of bed.

I'm currently taking 60mg Armour thyroid, I'm not 'officially' Hypothyroid but it's the only thing that's helped me a little. I've thought about trying the body ecology diet.

I think rather than just doing random tests at home, I need to find a doctor to work with. I'm in the UK. Someone with knowledge of M.E would be best but I was wondering whether a Functional Medicine doctor would be useful for getting tests done and help with interpreting them? Are there any good resources for finding a reliable doctor?

Aside from M.E symptoms, some of my more unusual ones are:
  • Eyes - Frequent redness and cuts in corner of eyes
  • Eyes - Sore, feels like someone blowing cold air on them, makes it difficult to keep them open (only started with this crash)
  • Sweating with the slightest physical/mental exertion (under arm mainly)
  • Slight improvement of fatigue after eating (usually, but not always)
  • Burning skin - knees and ears mainly

Thanks for reading.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I talked about this in a different thread but thought I'd post it here as well:
I have just restarted thiamine (with B2 and a little bit of magnesium) and I do seem to notice I come out of what I call the danger zone (usually my morning crash) a short while after I take it.

It feels like caffeine used to feel like when I drank it some 30 years ago.

I will tell you the effect only lasts for maybe a couple of hours but I think some people take multiple doses spaced through the day.

Anyway, just some ideas until you can find someone to help you.

Eyes - Sore, feels like someone blowing cold air on them, makes it difficult to keep them open

Like when my eyes dry out. (See if you can be tested for Sjogren's maybe.)

Sweating with the slightest physical/mental exertion (under arm mainly)

Even when limbs are cold to the touch maybe??? (Perhaps see could see if the doctor you find will test you for Lyme along with Bartonella and Babesia though testing is not very reliable.)

Burning skin

Feels like a sunburn w/o a real sunburn?

Apologies in advance if this isn't very coherent, my brain isn't functioning at it's best right now.

You picked a very good user name then. (Although your post is very coherent.)

Wish I had been creative like that when picking a user name. :D

Welcome to PR!!!!
I talked about this in a different thread but thought I'd post it here as well:
Thank you, I'll have a look into this.

Like when my eyes dry out. (See if you can be tested for Sjogren's maybe.)

I wondered if it was 'dry eye' but I don't really have any other of the other eye symptoms for that. I couldn't say that it burns, itches or feel gritty. The closest description I've found is something that's anecdotally called 'Menthol Sensation' like this:
Screenshot 2021-06-16 165714.png

I've tried some artificial tears that I bought on Amazon and I can't say they do anything beyond a few seconds relief. So I'm a bit stumped. Thanks for the Sjorgen's suggestion. I'm wondering if my local opticians could at least confirm/deny whether I have an issue with tear production.

Even when limbs are cold to the touch+ maybe??? (Perhaps see could see if the doctor you find will test you for Lyme along with Bartonella and Babesia though testing is not very reliable.)

No, my limbs aren't cold to the touch. Well, my fingers and feet often are, but nothing else. I did have some Lyme tests done over 10 years ago, the results were a little inconclusive (as they often are with chronic lyme), I had about three different courses of abx with no results other than the fact I think I can trace the start of my overgrowth problems back this lengthy course of abx.

Feels like a sunburn w/o a real sunburn?

Kind of, it's one of the things that led me to look at Lyme as that was the only thing I could find that could possibly explain this type of burning skin.

You picked a very good user name then. (Although your post is very coherent.)

Wish I had been creative like that when picking a user name. :D

Welcome to PR!!!!

Haha, thank you. I find that quite funny because I actually really struggle to come up with good usernames. I usually sit staring blank at a screen wishing I could come up with good ones like everyone else :D.

Thank you for your help Judee, and also for the welcome!


Senior Member
I'm currently taking 60mg Armour thyroid, I'm not 'officially' Hypothyroid but it's the only thing that's helped me a little.

Since that works at least a little, you might consider trying T2 (3-5 diiodothyronine). T2 worked well for me, but T4 and T3 had no noticeable effect. Iodine worked just as well for me, since some of it gets turned into T2. No one else reported significant benefits from T2, so it's probably a long-shot gamble for most people, but if you're desperate for even long-shot gambles, think about it.

T2 can be hard to find. It's sometimes available, and then gets discontinued. You could also try iodine, either as tincture (just a drop) or as KI or NaI, or even seaweed. If iodine doesn't provide a noticeable effect, I think it's unlikely that T2 will.
Since that works at least a little, you might consider trying T2 (3-5 diiodothyronine). T2 worked well for me, but T4 and T3 had no noticeable effect. Iodine worked just as well for me, since some of it gets turned into T2. No one else reported significant benefits from T2, so it's probably a long-shot gamble for most people, but if you're desperate for even long-shot gambles, think about it.

T2 can be hard to find. It's sometimes available, and then gets discontinued. You could also try iodine, either as tincture (just a drop) or as KI or NaI, or even seaweed. If iodine doesn't provide a noticeable effect, I think it's unlikely that T2 will.

That's an interesting idea. What sort of effects did it have on you?

I had no idea you could even buy (synthetic I'm presuming?) T2. Where did you get it (when it was available)? What sort of does did you try? I should already being consuming a small amount T2 in my desiccated thyroid tablets (albeit not in a measured quantity). It's a pigs thyroid ground up, so it will contain T2 and T1 in each tablet. However, it would be a small amount.


Senior Member
What sort of effects did it have on you?

The first few times I tried T2, it gave me temporary full remission (bouncing around like Tigger). Later, my ME symptoms got significantly worse, and T2 brought me back up to my previous baseline. I took 100 mcg every 21 days. More than that didn't work better, and neither did more frequently. Taking it daily caused it to stop working for a while. It was a very consistent 21 day duration. Sometimes I would start feeling lousy, eventually check my journal, and find that it was 21 days since my last dose. The need for T2 vanished after cumin permanently blocked my PEM.

A quick search found this product: https://biocornutrition.com/products/thyro-t2-thyroid-hormone There may be others on the market, so search around. As long as it's 3-5 diiodothyronine, it should be the same as the brand I bought earlier (Thyrocuts, IIRC).

I did try desiccated thyroid, but didn't notice any effect. I guess it has too little T2. For me, iodine worked just as well as T2, so when I couldn't buy T2, I used tincture of iodine.