I have just sent this email to the The Science Media Centre. Their motto is
"The Science Media Centre ... working to promote the voices, stories and views of the scientific community to the national news media when science is in the headlines..."
Also many thanks to LJS spending much time getting the list of news items together.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing with regard to the growing concern within the community of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS / ME) sufferers in the UK, that a very important breaking news item on 23rd Aug 2010 has not been mentioned in any of the major British mainstream media outlets, with the exception of a low key article in the Daily Mail (and a similarly underreported article on the Birmingham News website) contrast this with the reporting throughout the rest of the world, with 150+ articles to date, including the front page of the Wall Street Journal.
A news conference was held ET 3pm 23rd Aug 2010 announcing the incontrovertible link between the XMRV/MRVs retrovirus and CFS details are as follows, and a small selection of the worldwide news items are also attached at the bottom of this communication.
Detection of MLV-related virus gene sequences in blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy blood donors
My concern regards the very important finding in the US, that confirms the presence of a previously unknown retrovirus in 85% of CFS patients in the study by the FDA, and that the same retrovirus is present in up to 7% of the normal healthy population. This study confirms previous work done in this area by the Whitmore Peterson Institute.
What the CFS/ME population in the UK find disconcerting and troubling is that there seems to have been a news blackout in all major UK media outlets since this Monday. The CFS forums around the world are shocked that this is happening.
In the past news articles have appeared that echoed the prior medical establishment view that CFS/ME is caused by psychiatric rather than biological reasons a view now discredited by the latest findings, but not corrected in the media following publication of this evidence.
Also new news; as of 1st November 2010, blood donors who report that they have had ME/CFS will be permanently excluded from giving blood in the UK.
We, the CFS community believe that any news items about CFS/ME need to be authorized by Professor Simon Wessely, a long time defender of the now discredited psychiatric explanation for this disease, and an individual who has proved intransigent in his steadfast refusal to accept the proof of the biological explanation
Can you please advise me whether there will be coverage of this news item, and if so when.
Hyperlinks to the following articles may be found at :
"The Science Media Centre ... working to promote the voices, stories and views of the scientific community to the national news media when science is in the headlines..."
Yours, in anticipation of your reply,
Medical Journals
PNAS, Dr. Alter NIH\FDA Paper\Study: Detection of MLV-related virus gene sequences in blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy blood donors
PNAS, comments on findings: Mouse retroviruses and chronic fatigue syndrome: Does X (or P) mark the spot?
PNAS, editorial: Patients, patience, and the publication process
Response in Science: Second Paper Supports Viral Link to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (A Must Read!)
NIH Teleconference
Initial Press Release from NIH:
Julius recorded the whole NIH teleconference (THANKS!) and Dolphin then uploaded the files to the web
Hosted on yousendit.com:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Hosted on Mediafire.com:
Part 1:
Part 2:
A typed transcript of the teleconference can be found on the XMRV global action facebook page
NIH, FDA, & CDC Information Pages
Q&A on Dr. Alter's Paper
Dedicated ME-CFS & Neuro-immune Disease Organizations \ Blogs
CFS Central: THE FDA/NIH/Harvard XMRV Study: The Same Thing, Only Different
Age of Autism: The Whittemore-Peterson Institute - A Light in the Darkness (XMRV Update!!!)
CFIDS: Another Turn of the Retrovirus Kaleidoscope
CFIDS: Comparison of Published XMRV and Murine Leukemia-Related Virus (MLV) Studies in Patients with CFS
CFIDS: A Pictorial Essay to Describe XMRV, MLVs and Gammaretroviruses
The ME Association (UK): ME Association summary and statement on results of the new retroviral study
Mainstream Media
WSJ: Study Finds Retroviruses in Chronic Fatigue Sufferers
Washington Post: New evidence that virus may cause chronic fatigue
Washington Post: Mouse virus link to chronic fatigue is studied (AP)
Washington Post: Chronic fatigue study points to retrovirus
NYtimes: Study Links Chronic Fatigue to Virus Class
Bloomberg: Chronic Fatigue Linked to Mouse Virus in U.S. Government Study
US News & World Report: More Evidence Mouse Virus Plays Role in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Reuters: New mouse virus found in chronic fatigue patients
NPR: Scientists Find Traces Of Virus In Chronic Fatigue Patients
CNN: New evidence linking mouse virus and chronic fatigue
i09 (gawker): Further proof that chronic fatigue syndrome is linked to viruses
LA Times: Study reignites debate over virus' role in chronic fatigue
Daily Mail (UK): Chronic fatigue syndrome 'may be caused by mouse-related virus'
WSJ: PNAS Paper on Virus-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Link Has Its Own Story
NPR Marketplace: Private funds helped push Chronic Fatigue research (Story at 10min 50 sec in downloaded show mp3)
WSJ: Does X (the Virus, That Is) Mark the Spot in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
The Birmingham News: Virus associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, according to research by NIH, FDA
WSJ: Betting on X As in XMRV With a Big-Ticket Research Center
Specialty Sites: Health \ Magazines \ Other
About.com: NIH/FDA Study Confirms: XMRV Tied to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Discover: Chronic Fatigue Debate Goes on: New Study Links the Syndrome to a Virus
New Scientist: Virus link with chronic fatigue syndrome resurfaces
ProHealth: A Historical Watershed in the Study of ME/CFS and Associated Illnesses
Psychology Today: MLV Joins XMRV As The Latest Unproven Cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Psychology Today: XMRV Virus Confirmed in CFS
TheScientist: Q&A: (Randy Schekman, editor in chief of PNAS) Why I delayed XMRV paper
Scientific American: New research linking chronic fatigue syndrome to retrovirus is released after being held by journal
WebMD: Virus Linked to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
WPI Responses
YouTube Video: Annette congratulates Alter and Lo
YouTube Video: Judy Mikovits reacts to the Lo/Alter paper
Statement on XMRV/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Positive replication study confirms WPIs findings
Will i get a reply i wonder.