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When to add in B Vits? Please help!


I'm new here; I would love insight into my question below. I'm reading Yasko's book and have read previous posts, but there's so many variations I can't keep it straight. My 23andme results are:

MTHFR A1298++
a lot of other MTHFRs are ++ or +- (but C677 is --)

I want to make sure i'm on the right path b/c things have been up and down for me. One dr. told me to take active b-12 and folate based on the a1298++; at her direction, I took full doses of both and ended up in a huge mess for the first time. I found a new dr. who knows this better, and I'm trying to correct things. I've been off sulfur for 3 months. I think that's cleared, but I am now having issues with ammonia. Am taking butarayte and just ordered l-orthinine to help.

also started yasko's SHMT spray and take, zn, mg, vit d and probiotics. My new dr. wants me to add in iodine drops, sunflower leftin, lithium oratate, b2 and b6.

He said a few wks later I can add B12 as adenosyl and then methyl b12. After that would be methyl folate. I will start one at a time, with very small doses.

My question is should I let the ammonia clear before adding the b2 and 6....am I moving too fast? I'm just scared after the impact when I had the wrong guidance and created a terrible problem. After the sulfur issue seemed to clear, I drank a couple glasses of wine and realized that the sulfur must convert to ammonia b/c my head's been weird again.

Thank you.


Senior Member
CBS won't cause ammonia issues. Do you have some reason (other than the Yasko line) to believe you have ammonia issues?
According to heartfixer, high protein, which I consume, can result in more ammonia than you may be able to handle, no? I also am able to clear the head symptoms if I take butyrate.


Senior Member
According to heartfixer, high protein, which I consume, can result in more ammonia than you may be able to handle, no? I also am able to clear the head symptoms if I take butyrate.
That's based on the assumption that CBS C699T can result in a huge increase in ammonia levels. But it's not capable of doing that, with the possible exception being if you have three copies of the chromosome that CBS is located on (as happens in Downs' Syndrome).
Ok, then it must be the sulfur causing problems again. If so, is it too soon to start the sunflower leftin, lithium oratate, b2 and b6? thank you for the insight.