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What supplements absorb excessive methyl groups?

I can't recall which supplements absorb/nullify excessive methyl groups when your over methylating. I think hydroxocobalamin is one. Anyone else remember?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
It's not Hydroxocobalamin or folate because they will tend to increase methylation.
Niacin and Niacinamide is what you are looking for. Niacin will cause skin flushing whereas Niacinamide will not.

I got very good results with 250mg Inositol Hexanicotinate capsules but they are more expensive than Niacinamide which I mainly use. They tend to eliminate the tongue coating making it a more smooth reddish colour.

Start low and don't overdo it. because you might not need any more than 200mg, I certainly don't if I overdo B12/Folate and TMG.
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Niacin and,/or glycine, I believe. I also think Chris Masterjohn has some YouTube videos on this.

Edit: iirc he seems to prefer glycine.