What is your favorite probiotic

I am now able to eat anything I want :balloons::woot::balloons: (for the past 2 years I had to avoid wheat and most fruits and vegetables).

I believe it's thanks to the probiotics (VSL3 + l.reuteri + l.rhamnosus). I've been taking them for a year with little improvement, but a few weeks ago I changed how I take them and - BAM, a whole new me :)

Few weeks ago I started taking my probiotics first thing in the morning instead of after dinner. I read somewhere that bacteria survive better if taken 30min before food because apparently stomach acidity is lower when there's no food to digest.

Also I started taking them with water that has been standing on the counter over night, so it could be that less bacteria were killed due to chlorine in water since it probably evaporated over night.

And I have good energy! I don't know if this has anything to do with improved gut microbiome, but I feel OK, healthy, like I could start exercising if I wanted to. I will wait until after the holidays, though ;)


I get benefit from something called Ultrabiotic 60. Its key ingredient is L.Rhamnosus, which is the bug in a very interesting experiement where they managed to cure children of peanut allergy. (that's a study worth googling!)


Be Strong!
Ok going to add vsl (big money, I hope it is worth it) and the jarrow. Currently trying mutaflor at 2x a day with no change. I even overlap it a bit with the antibiotic bactrim
My energy was amazing the second week on bactrim, but as soon as I got off bactrim, literally that next evening, my energy ceased.


Senior Member
I wonder how much difference any probiotic can make compared to the amount and type of fiber in your system. From the little I understand the amount of desirable biota that form in your gut when the quantity quality of fiber is right is vastly greater than anything that can be taken by eating a probiotic.
Probiotics also have to make it through your stomach so if they’re not formulated to do that they’re not doing anything. At least that’s how I understand it.
I found some benefit from making kefir & drinking daily. Can tolerate milk. Is cheap & easy & homegrown. Also find Fage yoghurt helps. Am trying rotating probiotics & noting responses. Also found some help from BIMMUNO which is OTC prebiotic.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Kefir from Trader Joe's or the grocery store worked wonders for my gut (after trying several different probiotics with no effect). I had had diarrhea for over 6 months straight, and the kefir cleared it up within a week. I now only have to drink it twice a week.
Dairy is a big no-no for anyone with gut integrity issues, so I won't use yogurt or kefir. However, I have benefited from PB8. I've heard lots of good about Garden of Life's Primal Defense. I only recently bought any because it's rather costly compared to others, but I've been impressed with the quality of all the Garden of Life supplements I've ever used, so I presume that this one is at the same standard. So far, I like it.


Senior Member
I got big gut improvement with probiopure Bifidobacterium Longum so I don't use any other probiotic for months.:thumbsup:

I think Naviaux (was it him or another searcher?) had done an advise to someone to take Bifidobacterium for it's anti-inflammatory ability. The second thing important for a probiotic is to be free of D Lactate which is true for all Bifidobacterium.


Be Strong!
What changes have you seen? My sinuses were doing great as long as I used baby shampoo, drop of bleach and salt saline. Changing to no gluten and dairy was also key. But lately the infection has moved up into my forehead, where my neilmed won’t reach. It’s been causing some major sleep problems.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
But lately the infection has moved up into my forehead, where my neilmed won’t reach.

Have you tried NeilMed's Sinugator? It works by pulsing the solution into your nose, so for me, it's much more effective than the bottle or neti pot. I think it can reach the upper sinuses, but how effectively, I don't know. Things do go sometimes wrong with the Sinugator, and I've had to replace some through the years, but it's worth the $27, I think.


The SinuPulse Elite is probably a better product although it's more expensive. I think it's what @Sushi uses. It's larger than the Sinugator, though, and less portable.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
The SinuPulse Elite is probably a better product although it's more expensive. I think it's what @Sushi uses. It's larger than the Sinugator, though, and less portable.
Yes, it is the one I am using now. Previously I went through a couple of Grossan Hydro Pulse Nasal/Sinus Irrigation Systems. The first one was great; the second broke in a few months. So far the SunuPulse Elits has given no problems in over a year.


Be Strong!
Those pulse things make me laugh because 15 years ago I used a regular pulsing water pick. If only I could have patented it

Thanks for the suggestions, I will try it.

me/cfs 27931

What changes have you seen? My sinuses were doing great as long as I used baby shampoo, drop of bleach and salt saline. Changing to no gluten and dairy was also key. But lately the infection has moved up into my forehead, where my neilmed won’t reach. It’s been causing some major sleep problems.
Bleach sounds scary. :eek: I'd rather try to restore the microbiome than remove it.

The L. Sakei powder has eliminated about 60% of my chronic sinusitis (15 years), and has improved my sleep. There are some good Youtube videos about using similar L. Sakei products.

Long term use isn't recommended, but you might try it for a month and see if it helps. Note that this particular brand only ships to the United States.



Senior Member
United Kingdom
Just to add my 2 cents, while I hadn't got any benefit from Biokult in the past (just no discernable effect really), after 2-4 weeks of taking 3000mg of monolaurin as Lauricidin each day I ended up feeling pretty unwell when I came off it. The idea popped into my head to try a few things, one of which was a probiotic, just because I was eating food and every time I ate I felt awful and I just thought "What if there isn't any good bacteria left?". Well I bought some biokult and within the first 3 doses (2 capsules each time) I ended up feeling loads better. A week of two doses a day later and I actually feel better now than I have for months. I am sure I read in Dr Orr's book that you should clear down pathogenic bacterial load first before re-populating it, but I might have made this up!

At any rate, this the only time a probiotic has given me a discernable boost. vsl#3 looks really interesting! Albeit super expensive. Thanks for all the replies, Jarrows also sounds like another good one.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
The success of probiotics is highly individual. It depends on the composition of your microbiome. The Viome test, which is consumer ordered, gives customize suggestions for foods to eat, foods to avoid, probiotics, and prebiotics to modify one's gut composition. This is typically an iterative process as initial changes lead to other changes, which lead to further development of solutions.

Just a note on the VSL number three. It didn't used to be grown in corn medium before production moved to Italy, but for some reason corn is now used to grow it, making it off limits to people with corn allergies.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Wow the Viome test (which I remember you've mentioned countless times before) looks really good value for money:


And you can use it if your UK based.