What has helped you with sleep/insomnia - post links


Senior Member
One more point about oils blcoking those awakenings: they stop working (at least for me) if the same oil is taken each day. Alternating allows them to work. I usually alternate between canola and sunflower or safflower. I think beef fat and Evening Primrose oil worked on successive nights, at least initially, but gradually lost effectiveness. The first time I tried beef fat (after avoiding meat for months), I think I slept a full 6 or more hours. Last night I managed 3 hrs, skipping just one of those awakenings.

There seems to be a time delay. A meal of fatty beef in the afternoon might skip the first few awakenings, while having it just before bed might skip later ones.
Graz, Austria
The only medication in 12 years of disease - IS Pregabalin - i could watch TV and got Feeling Back, Just slept s view days with Pregabalin.

It's the only medication where the sleep was good and i Had real Recovery - i Took 50 mg of oxazepam, which i Took alone Prior to the Pregabalin - IT worked as a sleep "kicker", how the doc in the Hospital called IT.

Yeah IT makes deppendent - but i was and am ON the mindset-level of "fuck IT" and would recommend everyone with this disease

Would Took 50 - 75 mg pregabalin, Just AS Low AS possible, so maybe 50 and 25 mg oxazepam AS the "sleep kicker", the dosage cant BE to Low, but because of tolerance development you dont want IT to high
I already hafd benzos tolerance - the benzodiazepam shouldnt destroy the Pregabalin Effect

After i was in the Psychiatrie and they gave me one medication, that Had huge Side effects, they gave me the next stupid neurolepticum - which is normal to do because of huge headache - nooope,
I was so weak after their Treatment, i only speak rare, i was so weak and then a permanent worsening happened - since the worsening i needed 10 mg of rivotril and didnt Had nearly the Same Effect i Had Prior with 1 mg of IT - this was the Case with every other medication - since 2018

So im looking to get it away....No chance