DAN [Defeat Autism Now] -Physicians have developed a treatment protocol to treat biofilms. A very important part in this protocol is InterFase and InterFase plus, developed by Klaire Labs, consisting of a special formulation of enzymes, attacking the biofilms.
Here is some further info about InterFase :-
INTERFASE (60 Capsules)
Specialized enzymes disrupt biofilm matrix embedding potential gastrointestinal pathogens.
This highly specialized enzyme formula supports normal gastrointestinal function and microflora by assisting degradation of biofilm communities of potentially pathogenic bacteria and yeast.
Proprietary Enzyme Blend**
500 mg *
Providing the following active enzymes:
Polysaccharide Specific Enzymes
Glucoamylase (with isomaltase side chain activity)
Hemicellulase (xylanase) and Pectinase Complex
Protein and Peptide Specific Enzymes
Protease/Peptidase Complex with DPP-IV endo-peptidase/exo-peptidase
Other Enzymes
Lysozyme (from egg white)
Serratia peptidase (enteric-coated)***
Specialized enzymes and EDTA disrupt biofilm matrix embedding potential gastrointestinal pathogens.
InterFase Plus provides the same unique enzyme formulation as InterFase with the addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), which binds the metals needed for biofilm formation.