Tough to answer all this, but I'll give it a go:
Summary: Vaccine Onset- F, S, P, BF, PEM, OI, Neuro Symptoms (N)
Fatigue: worsened by physical exertion (PEM), Activity level decreased to less than 30% of pre-illness activity level. Fatigue related symptoms are invariant with mood.
Sleep: Hypersomnia (excessive sleeping -12 hours+ per day), unrefreshing or non-restorative sleep, difficulty falling asleep, Altered sleep/wake schedule (alertness/energy best late at night)
Brain fog/Cognitive: bad short term memory, poor concentration, loss of words
Immune:Recurrent flu-like illness, Sore throat, Tender or swollen lymph nodes (glands), recurring cough, Sensitivities to medications (unable to tolerate a “normal” dosage) Sensitivities to foods (nuts, milk), Alcohol intolerance
Dyautonomia: Increase BPM 30 + upon standing, Can only stand for short periods of time. Dizziness on standing when my health is at its worst.
Neuro - Dysphagia (was first symptom I had!),15+ year long headache, neuropathic pain, Brain Fog, cold hands and feet, weakness of limbs, Lightheadedness, Photophobia (sensitivity to light), some sort of muscular vision decline that only started in my 30s after being ill for many years.
Pain: Constant: headache, Muscle pain, back/neck pain, constant severe eye pain!
Gastrointestinal Food intolerance: milk, nuts (cause eczema), intestinal gas.
Define level of severity 1 to 10
3/4 out of 10.
Initially was relapse remitting for 2 years, but never remitted after that and after an initial improvement, slowly getting worse.
4. Give a brief explanation of your illness.
Onset was "Guillain Barre-like syndrome" - acute flaccid paralysis in lower limbs, just a few weeks after oral (live) Polio immunisation along with Diptheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccination. First symptom - Dysphagia (severe difficulty in swallowing), just a day or so after the immunisations.
5. Meets Fukuda, CCC and ICC, never had Guillain Barre Syndrome confirmed.