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What does this mean?

I'm new here. I just used the sulfate testing strips for the first time. I followed package directions. The strip indicated that my sulfate levels were at or below 200. How can this be? I have been avoiding eggs, brassica vegs (cabbage etc.), garlic, onions asparagus for about a week. Would my CBS +/- and BHMT +/- and MTHFR +/- not be expressing as much as I thought?

I can't afford a lot of lab tests. I will have to figure out how to heal based on what my body symptoms indicate---and affordable things like the sulfate test strips.


Senior Member
I would not expect hetero BHMT or CBS mutations to have a big affect. MTHFR hetero, may require a RDA dose of METAFOLIN. Sulfur allergies are not necessarily a CBS problem.