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What does sleep deprivation in body? - I had almost remission for 2,5 month


Senior Member
@Wayne oh nice, great hacks! Do you have a full list somewhere? I would like to take a closer look at it somewhere else than on this thread ;-)

@vision blue I'll check it out, thanks. But yes - I think it's almost impossible for 1mg 1x to make changes in immunity...either immunostimulatory or immunosuppressive

@SleepingGirl oh, another case where less sleep caused some changes! Be careful when trying, but I wish you experience what I have! Please keep in touch and share information...

@lenora I'm doing fairly well, within limits, and I'm still trying to study as much as I can to help induce the state I experienced after sleep deprivation. But I'm afraid of ECT... it seems very risky to me - it's usually the very last option for some cases.

@Faith2007 thank you for support! This article looks really good...I will check it closer

PLEASE ALL - it was also time for me to reach out to some scientific experts and organizations. Please, can you think of anyone who would be appropriate to write to? Contacts are key in this quest, I find. Please tag anyone who might be able to help. Thank you.
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Senior Member
Re: ECT (shock). I was quite involved in my mother's care during the early 1960's. True, ECT was a nasty business, but if lithium didn't work and the few other drugs that had JUST been developed, we were left with no choice.

I'm not saying this is something one looks forward to, but my mother was on her way to a state mental hospital for at least a year....that was legal at the time. My father was dead, and I had a large number of brothers and sisters at home who needed care. The state was going to remove them. So I had to think long and hard about giving my permission for my mother to have ECT.

Well, the appointed day arrived, and she went in one way (insane) and emerged as sane as I'd ever seen her. Full sentences, wide awake.....she simply didn't skip a beat. This was after almost 4 mos. in that hospital and the doctors had tried had everything.

So many things were new then for bipolar patients....it was the start of an era, one that many of my brothers and sisters later used. In our family, medication never worked, but ECT did. At least we knew this going in and it helped the doctors make their decisions. I'll say a decision was never taken lightly....mental health treatment was a whole new frontier at this time. So I've always followed it with interest because it's so important to so many.

Yes, there are business people who have a treatment (maybe it's not as serious as the first...a maintenance treatment, perhaps). And they do go on about their day, everything wears off quickly and they're back to normal within a very short period of time. This is progress and we shouldn't undermine it....it is not the same as it was in the early days. If the patient is willing to have the treatment, doesn't that count for a lot? Anyway, I'd definitely try it....even at my age, because I know it will help both the learning institutions and the patient him/herself. I feel that we have to step out of our comfort zone and do something that can be used by the community. I have done this in the past and thought it was all behind me. But I can see that we'll never get enough willing participants. A pity, but I do want you to know that I respect your thinking and even fear of doing it. In the meantime, I wish all of you well. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
After researching all possible studies and evaluating opinions, I am inclined to believe that my sleep deprivation may have caused this:

- brain chemistry changes (this makes a lot of sense to me as I have responded well to drugs like pregabalin or benzos that respond to different neurotransmitters)

- metabolic changes (I need to get some very good metabolic testing done to move on that - any ideas for quality metabolic testing in Europe?)

- hormonal changes (I will do thyroid stimulation soon and see what happens... however, there is the fact that, for example, hydrocortisone or prednisolone have not worked well for me in the past)

- immune function change (the long sleep deprivation must have suppressed the activity of the immune system - it makes sense to me, but at the same time I do not have good experience with immunosuppressants, so I am afraid to experiment in this area)