Going to the dentist is a huge challenge for most of us. In my case, having both MCS and CFS, I become very toxic from being in the dentist's office. So I have to load up on anti-oxidants and transdermal glutathione in advance. I also take a big dose of magnesium and holy basil to calm my nerves. I used to get my teeth drilled with no anesthetic, but I have found that I can tolerate it now, so I ask for it. It's a relief to not be in severe pain.
I had 4 teeth pulled in the past year and a half. Two were rotting wisdom teeth, and the others were in need of root canals, but I opted to pull them instead. Because my teeth have roots that are 30% longer than the average person, these extractions were brutal and exhausting. The wisdom teeth each took 3 hours to extract.

The molar took about an hour and half, the bicuspid about half an hour. The dentist used mepivocaine without epinephrine, which I had requested... except for the one time when he (the freaking idiot) forgot, and gave me the version with epinephrine. It caused a racing heart and intense anxiety for half an hour, and drained me afterwards. LESSON: Ask questions REPEATEDLY, and double check EVERY THING being put in your mouth.
It also helps a lot to have a "body guard." During my extractions, I had my partner sitting at my feet pressing acupuncture points, handing me electrolyte drinks and adaptogens. I really needed that, and couldnt have gotten through them without him.
Drilling cavities is much easier, and tho it's tiring and makes me toxic, I definitely prefer it to extractions. It's a good idea not to wait until that point.