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What digestive focused supplements would you recommend


Senior Member
Sorry for the late reply, just getting over a fever, something like the 7th fever/infection type thing I've had this year, don't know where they keep coming from but they're driving me nuts, wasn't like this any previous years
@helios haven't been in to see my functional doctor yet, took a while to get an appointment and some things came up around that time so I had to cancel it and reschedule.
I don't think I have steatorrhea, the stools aren't greasy or oily and I have no problem after oily meals
You know, I did try beets canned in their own juice a while ago, ate the full can and drank all the juice together at a time when I was trying to fix bile if that counts
I've also tried the fat soluble vitamins individually, none have done anything for me that was noticeable though Vitamin D is always low if i don't supplement, I'm always inside so I suppose that's to be expected
I tried a number of antiparasitic things back in the day such as black walnut, wormwood, clove, and supplement called humaworm I think it was, they didn't do anything at the time but that was back when I had the first type of CFS so antiparasitics may work now and it's also possible I wasn't using the right kind
Interesting about the kefir, I've tried kefir before but never the kind you specified or doing so and fasting. What happened when you did that? moving parasites in the toilet would be pretty freaky to see

I've tried Taurine a few times without results, methionine I used for a while after it came up low on a plasma amino acid test and it may have done something but I can't really say, I also used SAMe if that counts as methionine, cysteine in the form of NAC I've taken multiple times and am taking now as part of a S-Acetyl Glutathione supplement.

When I irst tried NAC years ago it made me feel good for several weeks then fx petered out, the glutathione I'm taking now made me feel great when I used it for a week or two several months ago but it hasn't been working since I've restarted it in the past two months sadly, had real high hopes for it, though I continue to take it and have added Alpha Lipoic Acid which seems to be doing something and is said to be recycled by GSH but it's early days. Choline has never helped though I've heard good things of it, tried the phosphatidyl version and the regular

Sorry if I'm a buzzkill but I'm too tired to put much humor into my responses

@gumman123 I've been meaning to try bonebroth for a while, I have been using Collagen Hydrolysate and Gelatin which have much the same stuff only not so readily digestable but they do help, they have lots of glycine which a nutreval I ran within the last year or so said I need so maybe that's why it works for me, or because it's a powder, powdered nutrients of all kinds seem to make me feel good. If bone broth works for you you might try some gelatin or better yet the collagen hydrolysate since it is the more readily digested of the two, as I said it probly wont be as good as bone broth but it is so easy to use, 2 TBSP stirred in water and then drink, on days where I'm dead tired I do it sloppy and just pour the tablespoons of the stuff straight into my mouth and drink it down with the water I keep by my bedside in canteens, can be slightly messy if i miss but save the hassle
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Senior Member
gelatin/collagen powders dont have glycosamino glycans/ amino sugars/glyconutrients in them where as bone broth does because of the joints/connective tissue on the bones


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I like Mycopryl and my mom has been having a lot of help from Saccharomyces Boulardii which is actually a yeast that acts as a probiotic. She also has the light stools and this helps her.

I've wanted to try the brand that has MOS in it as well as that is suppose to attract the candida albicans so they bind to it and pass out of the digestive tract without dying and spilling their toxic contents and then causing herx.