Thank you, Greg! You're brilliant for pledging the ME pledge fund! : )
I think you're smart to put a yearly limit, as i alluded to before i don't anticipate writing out checks for $18K (especially anytime soon)- for example if CDC by some miracle changes the name tomorrow, then I will scrape together $7K and send it in, but then the other orgs will pretty much have to change their names, so I will reduce my pledges to them at that point.
If I had $18K sitting around, I wouldn't reduce my pledges at that point, but since that money would be putting me in serious debt (if i could get loans for that much anyway) and taking medicine and food off my table (as is the case for all of us), I'm going to have to be ruthlessly efficient in my giving.
So, I'm going to adjust my pledges downward or upward as circumstances warrant (but if an org changes it's name I will honor the current pledge I have up; so if every org changed their names at once, I would honor the full current pledges- $18K at this point; careful what you wish for, i guess!)
i am going to put this up on the wiki where whoever wants to pledge can add in and modify their pledges as they wish. I will post again when I've done this.
One more thought- Orgs that give out money, such as CAA, don't just give it blindly to researchers and trust they will do a good job because those researchers are professionals. If a researcher wants money, they have to submit a proposal to the org and jump thru whatever hoops the org puts up. And this money wasn't even earned by the org- this money is ours, scraped together from social security checks- and CAA execs, for example, take out huge salaries from this money we donated.
My point is, this is our money that we could put to good use by spending on ourselves- for medical treatments, or delivered healthy meals, etc.- if we are going to give it to an org, let's make sure those orgs are doing the most possible good with our money by requiring them to improve (These orgs do the same thing with their grantees with our money). I feel we owe this to ourselves, to these orgs and to all pwME.