It's not your fault, I used to explain complex things very clearly now I can't explain simple concepts.
A) Some people say you get 10 chips a day and they don't add up over multiple days
B) Some people say they do add up but they max out eg. 10 + 10 + 10 = 12
C) I'm saying that A is the right answer and that they don't add up above your baseline
I think you did put the concept together very well just then
10=10=10=12 . yes we all certainly do have a base line at which point with rest we cant go past.
My baseline may be 8 chips but showering uses 3 chips and takes 48 hours to fully replenish. If I shower every day, I'll never see 8 chips in the morning since I'm still paying for yesterday's and the day before's activities.
I start most of my days on my full quota of chips which I'll say is four (no amount of rest will improve that that).. I only a couple of days a week are in recovery mode the next morning as I really watch myself. So most days I start with a full quota of my 4 chips. (I wish these chips were real ones with sauce!!).
Except the day or two a week I go to the doctors or shopping then my chips are lower the next day say 1 or 2 or sometimes Im actually recovered by that same night. That is due to the coexisting POTS, it stops me from being able to greatly over excert myself as it literally floors me real fast and then I can of cause recover usually far faster from the POTS hit then if I had been able to continue and exert more and have the ME kick the life out of me.
In my case thou.. I keep my chips most of the time at the baseline by severely restricting what I do.. eg I only shower once or twice a week (thats the only time I get dressed, do my hair etc etc).. by doing such things.. I keep my baseline FAR HIGHER then it would be otherwise (which also stops me from crashing). In my case it pays doing that as I then can deal with any unexpected things which may arise eg the rare occassion of a visitor unexpectively showing up.. to which otherwise would trigger me otherwise into a severe ME crash from just talking to them.
Spare chips saves me from getting terribly sick which then takes me almost a year to improve from.
Conserving chips in my case allows me to keep the ME stable which it wouldnt be otherwise as takes my level of disablity up from being mostly bedbound to just being housebound but being able to get out most of the time for basic shopping.
Instead of starting each day on just 1-2 chips.. I have 4. In my own case it makes a lot of difference this form of management (but of cause everyone is different and some even with a mangement plan in which one hardly ever causes a crash, some still dont get much variation).
Chip conservation is how I ended up going into a few years FULL remission from ME in the past.. it was doing that over years which lead to me improving (a very very slow long improvement). I think that those who are having to push themselves and in the push/crash cycle of things are probably less likely to end up getting a remission.