I was interviewed via telephone for this movie......& I fall into the 25% grp at this point (for those who were concerned about them including the severely ill in this, they are definitely trying to represent the different levels of functioning people have and the daily fluctuations, too)
the interview was very thorough and the person I talked to knows a lot, is very passionate about the subject, and is also very compassionate
aside from what it's like being sick (physically, cognitively, financially, socially, etc, etc, and how much life has changed, we also talked about the effects of not looking sick, the disbelief, the way many docs act towards us, the way the CDC and NICE have hurt us, etc etc.....and I brought up Dr Myhill's awful situation and how much her website has helped me....discussed how I try to hang onto hope, and a few other things, too - I am not remembering all of it, bc it was quite long and my memory stinks)
I was really excited about this before being interviewed, but now I am even more so......I really believe that they are going to do a great job with this