I can't find pickling salt! I guess all these new bakers that can't find yeast are also now trying pickling. Either that or these brand new young personal shoppers have no idea what pickling salt is and just think they can pick up anything that says "salt" on the front...
Stay away from my pickling salt...... (mmmmm, beets, kimchee, green beans..... *drools*)
I just hope bagged organic dirt and mulch are still in stock. My garden box (that I bought 6 months ago before anyone even had an idea of what 2020 would bring) is now put up, and I just need to send my landscaper to the hardware store for about 20 bags of dirt. I might have it shipped too, and then add bags and mulch for the good stuff. Front yard landscaping doesn't need organic dirt, but considering I'm planting berry bushes in the front, clean would be nice.