WE MUST Counter the Dangerous Lancet CBT/GET Article- Send this Press Release OUT!


Senior Member
WE MUST Counter the Dangerous Lancet CBT/GET Article- Send this Press Release OUT!

Please copy and past the Press Release below written by Tina Tidmore that discusses the Retroviroloy study that found XMRV in various organs of monkey organs. The Retrovirus left the blood in days but found its way into several organs. This study must be used to counter the very DEADLY Lancet study by Wessely, et all.

Please send this PR all over. Also, grab the http://www.virology.ws/2011/02/17/xm...esus-macaques/ and put that into the PR as well.

We must counter the Lancelt study. I do believe, and wrote the researcher, that CTB/GET is the means by which the UK is trying to literally kill off the ME/CFS sick. Call them crazy/lazy (CBT) and then force their very sick bodies into doing very dangerous things that WILL kill them (GET). (provided below the MCWPA information to make it easy for you)

Tina Tidmore

Study Shows XMRV, a Human Retrovirus Similar to HIV, Causes Chronic Infection

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients have Hope that Research is Finding Answers

CORAL GABLES, FLA., FEB. 19 - On Feb. 16, the Journal of Virology published a study that shows the recently-discovered human retrovirus, XMRV, leads to chronic infection in multiple body organs.

Previous peer-reviewed studies show a link between XMRV and patients with aggressive prostate cancer and ME/CFS, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The study from the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Emory University School of Medicine shows Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-related Virus (XMRV) can be found in the spleen, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, lymph nodes and sex organs after being injected into the body.

Additionally, the monkeys in the study produced antibodies to fight the infection. Chronic infection and immune system reaction are also common in the two other infectious human retroviruses: HTLV-1 and HIV.

"This brings hope that answers to this disease are within reach, said Tina Tidmore, spokesperson for the ME/CFS Worldwide Patient Alliance (MCWPA), a grassroots patient advocacy group. For the sake of those who have been left to suffer and with the goal of protecting the blood supply, government leaders need to seize this opportunity and immediately fund more research into this retrovirus and the ME/CFS disease process." In 2010, an FDA/National Institutes of Health study showed XMRV-related retroviruses in 6.8% of blood donors tested, indicating as many as 20 million Americans could be

ME/CFS is Disabling and Chronic
ME/CFS is a disabling NeuroEndocrineImmune disease that afflicts more than 1 million Americans and an estimated l7 million people around the world. Patients are often confined to wheelchairs or become bedbound. Common symptoms include profound exhaustion after performing simple tasks, sudden plunging blood pressure, cognitive dysfunction, migraines and daily flu-like symptoms. The illness strikes men and women, young and old, and is incurable.

ME/CFS first came to national attention during the AIDS epidemic in the early 1980s, when a cluster outbreak of the illness occurred in Incline Village, Nev. and Lyndonville, New York. A 1991 Wistar Institute study also showed a link to a retrovirus, but the government later halted their retroviral research.

In 2009, the Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) at the University of Nevada, Reno, working with the National Cancer Institute and Cleveland Clinic, published a trailblazing study that found an HIV-like retrovirus, XMRV, in the blood of 67% of ME/CFS patients and in 3.7% of healthy controls.

Meanwhile, though more than 4,000 peer-reviewed articles in medical journals have shown system-wide immune, neurological, endocrine, gastro-intestinal and cardiac abnormalities in patients, the general public is largely unaware of the gravity and prevalence of ME/CFS. In addition, the US government has chronically underfunded research. In the National Institutes of Health budget for 2012, just $6 million is allocated for ME/CFS research, compared to $135 million for multiple sclerosis and $114 million for lupus. Yet twice as many people suffer from ME/CFS than multiple sclerosis.

For more information, and spokespeople, including leading researchers, scientists, physicians, patients, and historians, visit http://mcwpa.org/

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About MCWPA: Our mission is to create an effective, cutting-edge advertising campaign addressing the poor quality of life of individuals with ME/CFS. By issuing a collective and unified statement, our community will no longer be silent and invisible. The MCWPA ad campaign is supported by P.A.N.D.O.R.A. Inc., Vermont CFIDS Association, Inc., R.E.S.C.I.N.D., Rocky Mountain CFS/ME and FM Association and the Wisconsin ME/CFS Association, Inc
XMRV infection of Rhesus macaques


submitted by Vincent Racaniello on February 17, 2011
Tags: cfs, viral, virology, virus, xmrv
Source: www.virology.ws
The first detailed study of infection of nonhuman primates with the retrovirus XMRV reveals that the virus establishes a persistent infection characterized by infection of multiple tissues. Viremia (virus in the blood) is low and transient, with proviral DNA detectable in blood lymphocytes. The results show that the Rhesus macaque can be used to study XMRV infection, transmission, vaccines, and antiviral drugs.

XMRV infection of Rhesus macaques17 February 2011
The first detailed study of infection of nonhuman primates with the retrovirus XMRV reveals that the virus establishes a persistent infection characterized by infection of multiple tissues. Viremia (virus in the blood) is low and transient, with proviral DNA detectable in blood lymphocytes. The results show that the Rhesus macaque can be used to study XMRV infection, transmission, vaccines, and antiviral drugs.

The subject of this study, the Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), was selected because of its evolutionary proximity to humans and a comparable immune system. The monkeys used did not have antibodies to the capsid protein p30 of XMRV, indicating that they were not previously infected. Animals were inoculated intravenously with 3.6 million TCID50 of purified XMRV a good amount of virus, to ensure infection. The virus used, VP62, was produced by transfecting cells with cloned viral DNA isolated from human prostate.

Virus in the plasma fraction of blood was assayed by quantitative RT-PCR. Of three animals infected, virus was detected in one animal at day 4 and not after day 14; and in a second animal from days 14-20. The third animal did not develop detectable viremia. Proviral DNA was found in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of all three monkeys for 3-4 weeks, indicating successful infection. At one month post-infection proviral DNA was no longer detected. Plasma virus was again detected in one of the positive animals on day 291, 16 days after being immunized with a mixture of XMRV proteins. This means that viral DNA had been present in this animal but was not detected. XMRV was detected in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and NK cells, but not in B cells or monocytes.

Rhesus macaques infected with XMRV did not display obvious clinical symptoms. Analysis of peripheral blood revealed increases in the number of circulating B and NK cells. Anti-viral antibody titers were detected after infection and re-infection of animals but soon decreased.

Other infected animals were sacrificed during the acute phase of infection to identify pathological changes and sites of virus replication. No pathogenic consequences were observed except for the formation of germinal centers in spleen and lymphoid organs, changes that are expected after immune stimulation. Virus was detected in a wide variety of tissues, including spleen, lymph nodes, the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, prostate, testis, cervix, vagina, and pancreas, but not in others including brain, heart, kidney, and bladder. Different types of cells were infected in different tissues: lymphocytes in lymphoid organs, macrophages in lung, epithelial or interstitial cells in other organs. The authors note that this viral behavior appears specific to this virus.
Here are some other comments and conclusions drawn from this study:
The authors suggest that in Rhesus macaques, XMRV causes first an acute infection, followed by a persistent chronic infection. A persistent infection lasts for long periods of time; a chronic infection is a persistent infection that is eventually cleared. Since the monkeys in this study were all sacrificed, its not possible to determine if the infection was cleared.

The presence of XMRV in certain blood cells resembles the pattern in a cohort of ME/CFS patients Virus is present in the prostate early in acute infection XMRV was identified in prostate tumors The presence of XMRV in reproductive tract tissues is consistent with sexual transmission of infection After the acute phase, virus levels are very low, but there could be a different outcome in individuals with immune dysfunction One animal produced virus after immunization; perhaps immune activation results in cycles of virus production The virus has an initial acute phase followed by reactivation. The authors comment: While our study has not linked XMRV infection with pathogenic mechanisms that might lead to prostate cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome, we submit that such link, assuming it exists, would be a temporally distant one.

It would be informative to determine if XMRV is present in some of the same tissues in humans that were observed to be infected in rhesus macaques
Because the study involved only a small number of monkeys (8), the experiments should be repeated with additional animals, and in different laboratories, to verify the findings. I also wonder if the choice of the intravenous inoculation route had an effect on the pattern of infection and tropism. It is well known that viral pathogenesis can be determined by how the virus enters the host. For example, the same virus may replicate in different tissues, or have different virulence, when inoculated in different ways. This question can be readily addressed by inoculating rhesus macaques via different routes.

Studying viral pathogenesis (the series of events that occur during viral infection of a host) in animals is essential for understanding how viruses cause disease in humans. However, the results of such studies must always be interpreted with caution, because what is true in an animal is not always true for a human. For example, simple differences in size, metabolism, and development can have substantial effects on pathogenesis.

Onlamoon, N, DasGupta, J, Sharma, P, Rogers, K, Suppiah, S, Rhea, J, Molinaro, RJ, Gaughan, C, Dong, B, Klein, E, Qui, X, Devare, S, Schochetman, G, Hackett, J, Silverman, R, & Villinger, F (2011). Infection, viral dissemination and antibody responses of Rhesus macaques exposed to the human gammaretrovirus XMRV Journal of Virology .

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
Muffin, Is this for sending to as many newspaper publications as possible? Is there a shorter version with the links we could send to our congress people. When you e-mail them, it will cut you off after so many words.


Senior Member
Mya: Not quite sure what you mean. First, the Press Release by Tina Tidmore is meant to be sent to your local media. I only put in the monkey study IF anyone thought it appropriate. So use Tina's short Press Release. The link to Tina's Press Release is the following:


I added the XMRV infection of Rhesus macaques study again if anyone was interested in putting that out there to counter foolishness and show that these Monkeys did show XMRV in many of their organs - you can't claim a contaminated cell line or come up with anyother negative statement when you find the Retrovirus within the animal's organs.


submitted by Vincent Racaniello on February 17, 2011
Tags: cfs, viral, virology, virus, xmrv
Source: www.virology.ws

Did I answer your question?? Really, just use Tina's Press Release and email that to your local media. Or, if you would like, email it to the major networks and anyone and everyone you can think of! Send it off to PEOPLE Magazine if you think they may look into this disease and hunt down public people with it! Never know... Thanks- M

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
Thanks Muffin. For some reason the link for the monkey study does not work. I think this one works for now


For some reason whenever I try to post the full link on this forum, it shortens it. Did you have the same problem?

The link to the FDA advisory study on the Rhesus Monkey study is no longer working either. Can somebody tell me how to get it?

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
Muffin, I contacted Reuters and they gave me information on two websites where people can go and submit their press releases. However, they need more information from you all then I have. Have you submitted the press releases to these websites yet--PR Newswire and Bizwire? I am not sure, but it seems like a site where the magazines go and pick stories from. I think if you haven't yet, it would be a good idea to submit the press release there.

Here is the message from Reuters

Frequently Asked QuestionsIs there a standard format for submitting a press release? What is the cost?There is no standard format for submitting a press release. Please note that we can only accept press releases in electronic format and there is no cost.

Press releases are considered for news reports and not passed straight through in the manner of a press release distribution service. For time-sensitive material, please submit via PR Newswire or Bizwire.

Here are the website URL's http://www.prnewswire.com/ and http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/

I am not sure if it costs money though.

Oh, one more thing. If you get on Alternet.org you can set up your own blog. Alternet.org is a liberal online newspaper where bloggers can write their own articles. I tried it and discovered I have no idea how to do it:). I thought that someone at PANDORA might be more computer savy and figure out how to write an article on XMRV and post it there.


Senior Member
If someone wants to send a shorter letter, here is what I sent to The Guardian newspaper yesterday regarding their PACE article. I think sometimes people can be put off by long letters, so I tried to make it short and used the title

In brief - the central political issue in ME/CFS

and text

Dear Ms Boseley,

After reading your article today entitled "Study finds therapy and exercise best for ME", I would like to take this opportunity to inform you in the briefest possible way why ME/CFS sufferers continue to be saddened by such articles (though I am sure that this was not your intention).

The way in which UK psychiatrists define ME/CFS includes more than one illness. This is like grouping brain cancer and anxiety disorder into a single illness termed "Chronic Anxiety Syndrome". One could then "prove" that psychological therapy is helpful for some people with this condition. Charities representing those with anxiety would agree. What you could not prove is that it is helpful for those with brain cancer. Charities representing those people would be rightly angry that they are denied biomedical treatment.

The small number of UK psychiatrists behind the PACE trial continue to build their careers and consultancy contracts upon a falsehood. Meanwhile, researchers in the US have uncovered the genetic and pathogenic facts behind those that suffer from the true neurological disease.

It would take only a modest amount of investigative journalism to expose this corruption and begin saving lives. I desperately hope you will consider initiating this, and would be very glad to help you do so.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
From Cigana
people can be put off by long letters

So true; effective journalism is what gets read. Brief statement with references is much more effective. Great letter, Cigana.


Senior Member
I have just posted a strong rebuke regarding this PACE research in the comments section of a recent newspaper article that carried this PACE news.

If anyone wants to use this same "ready-made" comment, to copy and paste it into any other newspaper articles you come across that run the same PACE story, please feel free to do so. The comment is included below. It is strongly worded, but I think apt. I think we need to use ridicule explain these things to the general public, so I have used ridicule liberally!

The authors of this PACE trial are not just intellectually dishonest, they are morally reprehensible.

By using up the precious little funding available for CFS/ME research on this PACE "psychobabble plus exercise" nonsense, these psychiatrists are not only unforgivably letting down millions of people with CFS/ME, but also, this waste of funds significantly hinders proper scientific biomedical research into finding a cure for CFS/ME.

CFS/ME is not only a terrible disease, it also costs the US economy an estimated $25 billion a year, due to lost work hours and medical care costs (and the global economic costs of CFS/ME are clearly even higher).

Yes, that's right: every year that CFS/ME is largely ignored by the science funding bodies, and we get this "Mickey Mouse" science from psychiatrists instead, it costs the US economy $25 billion.

What other serious disease would have something so intellectually backwards as "exercise therapy". It is a complete joke. You spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to show what? That a bit of walking may (or may not) help some CFS/ME patients! Wow, what rocket science! Einstein eat your heart out!

If this PACE research were a 10th grade school science project for 15 year olds, it would be fine; but it is embarrassing to humanity to see it published in serious scientific journals like the Lancet.

Most psychiatrists and psychologists that purportedly research CFS/ME have little or no understanding of the complex biochemical, immunological and neurological aberrations that are usually found in CFS/ME patients. So why on Earth are these psychiatrists meddling in a field about which they know next to nothing?!

CFS/ME research needs highly intelligent minds, not second-rate psychiatric psychobabble.

Science funding bodies take note now: your lack of interest in proper biomedical research into CFS/ME is costing the US $25 billion a year. You need to be held accountable for this.

Note: I am not sure what the economic cost of CFS/ME is in the UK, but since the UK population is around 62 million, and the US population 307 million, a rough estimate may be found by taking the ratio of these population figures:

That is to say, the UK economic cost of CFS/ME might be around:

$25 billion x 62/307 = $5 billion = 3 billion.

Does anyone have a more precise estimate for the UK economic costs?


Senior Member
Thank you all for countering the Lancet "study"

Mya: Thanks for doing the leg work on the newswires, etc. took down the info and will pass it on to our people. Great work!

Love the other letters that were written! Keep it up! Slam them in the face however YOU want to hit them but slam them and keep at it.

I sent the lead of that "study" a very nasty (and I admit, vulgar) email about the quality of the research (b_llsh_t) and that we all knew they were indeed trying to kill off the UK sick with GET. Vulgar. Such dangerous stupidity and inhumane "research" will damage and possibly kill hundreds and thousands in the UK, so vulgar is what he got and deserved.

Counter everywhere you see that stupid Lancet "study" press release. Keep it up and make sure that people do really understand that this type of "medical" treatment is akin to what the Nazi's were doing - not meant to demean those that lived/died through all of that but the UK Weasel and his band of morons really do seem to be playing games knowingly with the lives of UK citizens. Prison is what they all deserve and hopefully will soon get.