the above woman's take on things comes off much more educated, informed and spot on to me than Beck, I have stomached him a few times and laughed. outlandish!
HOwever, I do not defend obama nor the democrats, there is blame to go around, but I certainly wouldnt side with the rt wing or fox folks if I had to pick betwixt repubs and dems. I was very disappointed in this admins handling of the bp crisis, of course the prior admin set up the circumstances that allowed it but obama admin didnt do anything to change it and just faciliated the bad circumstances. I can find the article about if interested later.
I am super ticked about the redistribution of wealth that has been happening the last 30 years, particularly intense the last 10, I do not like socialism for the rich, trust me! the bank and ins. bail out is scandalous and I love michael lewis' writing about the mortgage industry scam fascinating and enraging:
really though, more than the above folks, amy goodman is a real person for the people amongst reporters
John Dean, a republican, wrote an excellent book about the unfortunate change in the party: "conservatives without conscience". I would have to say that barry goldwater might have been more credible than bill clinton and more progressive even perhaps, although I certainly havent done a dissertation by any means on all of it! Ike was pretty cool when he warned about the "military industrial complex" I think cfs folks are a casualty in ways of all of that.