George I agree with your general impression of the meeting. It was really depressing, and I didn't feel it was reflecting the state of science, or if it did we are in trouble! Unfortunately I missed the Nancy Klimas talk, I thought she made some good points during Q and A expecially about the XMRV situation, I thought she made LeGrice look ignorant
I think it was an "up your's" to the patients, as there was no sense of urgency or even priority on the viral/XMRV stuff. What a change from last year. The most used word in LeGrices talk seemed to be contamination contamination contamination (ok admitedly I did not do a word count!). But he did not even cover this issue properly as he should have mentioned some of the arguments against this hypothesis for balance, and so that people could think over the issues in a more useful way.
I have an open mind on this myself as I feel I don't know enough to say it is not contamination, and part of me thought that if good scientsts think it could be contamination then maybe it is. But if they pro-contamination people have to make their argument is such a bad way, by ignoring arguments against the contamination theory, that makes me think they are just following the departmental line and not giving us a scientifically reasoned view.
Also caution was another often repeated word. I think he was telling us that the government is going to go VERY slowly on this. I would rather slow and well done, rather than hasty and badly done, but the impression I got was that slowness was almost being seen as a virtue in itself.
Ron Glaser was terrible, back to the 80's.
And the saved the worst for last, Houghton
So WPI were the only ones who found XMRV???!!!! Lo and Alter did not confirm Lombardi and co even though Lo and Alter said it did.
What a hideous day. Makes me think the CFSAC is a waste of time.