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Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
Has anyone heard from @Bob? I'm concerned that he has been absent for so long.

@Comet, I think he was last on here right before Millions Missing 2. Hopefully, he's busy with advocacy around that or PACE. Maybe he crashed from all that. Don't know. I hope he's alright, too.

We miss you @Bob. We're thinking of you and hope you are alright. :hug:


I'm Not Imaginary
@Comet, I think he was last on here right before Millions Missing 2. Hopefully, he's busy with advocacy around that or PACE. Maybe he crashed from all that. Don't know. I hope he's alright, too.

We miss you @Bob. We're thinking of you and hope you are alright. :hug:
Yes I think you're right about the timing. Hopefully he's working on a super secret :ninja: :sluggish: project. Or maybe just on a wonderful vacation.

We miss you @Bob! Hope all's well. :cookie::hug::cookie:
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